Patience. It's virtue most don't have, but I do. I remember my father teaching me how important it is to have patience. Everytime before a hunt he'd tell me to have patience. I always did. But not for the same reason he did. He always told me it's about precision.
"You see son if you are patient then you can be precise. And with precision comes perfection. And once you are a perfect hunter, it will only ever take one dagger to take down an entire herd."
"But father why would I ever need an entire herd?"
"You're too young to understand now but in time you will. Now be patient and keep your eyes on the target."
I had kept my eyes on the target and I had killed my first deer. Precisely. Perfectly. And so patience was never a problem for me. However I loved my impacable endurance for another reason. Adrenaline. I always thought that the best part of the kill is the wait. In the moment my senses are alive as my anticipation rises.
It's been only a few hours since I located my target. Some teenage girl. Unknowing and innocent. I've trained for this my entire life and now it's all coming together.
Of course I have to go through Micam first. But that she shouldn't take too long. I know how he was trained and how he fights. And I know from experience that he puts up a good fight, it's very seldom that I get those, I'll enjoy this. For now however, I wait. I lean against my car, a total black Mustang. When I'm not killing and spying, I like to show off a little. Okay maybe I like to show off a lot. Growing up in a house full of egotistical males makes you that way. Six cousins, all of the Dragomir bloodline and we are forced to stay in the same home. There's bound to be rivalry and a little competition. But never enough competition for me. The Chosen One. Born in the right moment, at the right time to fulfill the legend placed before me. It's almost unreal.
Just then a car pulls up behind mine. I get out of my car. And wait for the driver of the other car to step out too. We walk towards each other and stop at a mutual distance. He doesn't say anything but instead motions to his trunk. He opens it and pulls out a black case. He unclips the hinges and opens the case. Inside it is one of the most exquisite rifles I've ever seen. Black and shiny. He pulls it out and seems to brush off a stray piece of dust. I pull out the money in my back pocket and hand it to him. He hands the rifle to me. Instinctively I aim at the nearest tree.
Patience Trysten.
A few seconds pass and the driver seems to be eager to see what I'm doing with the weapon. I start to second guess whether or not I was right about what I'd seen in my peripheral vision. But I'm never wrong.
I see a leaf shift. And without a second thought, I pull the trigger. It seems a wasted shot. I pull the rifle back into it's case and move back towards my car. As I open the door something falls out the tree. A squirrel, with a gunshot wound in it's chest. I grin, sensing the driver's surprise.
I never miss a shot.
I get in my car and drive away. It's been quite a successful day. I reckon my journey will take about three days. More than enough time to build my anticipation. Catherine Gale. I let the name play in my mind.
I'm coming for you.