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It was a dark rainy night in 1994, everyone in the Wayne manor was asleep, well that's what I was thinking, as I walked up to the door with my beautiful daughter.

"I'm sorry my precious kitten, it's for the best , I'm giving you to your father, it's not safe on the streets with a baby."I said to her giving her a kiss, as I then put her down, I rang the doorbell and hid.

someone then opened the door.

"Who may it be at this hour? ,Oh dear, master Bruce." Alfred said with surprise, he picked her up, he looked around to see who must've put her on the doorstep, he then went inside closing the door behind him.

Bruce's P.O. V
"What is it ,Alfred? Oh.. who's baby is this?." I asked wondering why Alfred was holding a baby girl.

"Oh master Bruce, I don't know, but there's a note that may explain," Alfred said as he handed me the note.

"The note says, that she is mine, her name is Skylar she was born on November 17th 93,  she's 10 months, the mother..... the mother is Selina Kyle," I said The baby then opened her eyes, revealing a beautiful shade of blue.

"She looks just like you, Master Bruce," Alfred said happily. We then went back inside

A few years later.

Sky's P.O.V

"Hey dad, I was wondering if uh... maybe you could teach me to do what you do, I feel like I can do it." I said,

"Yeah, I can start teaching you, but are you sure you are ready?."Dad asked,

"I'm ready for it." I said excitedly

"I'll talk through and practice with you." Dad said.

"Okay," I said happily as we went to the gym.

"So first I'll try to hit you, but you grab my arm, okay," Dad said as he went to fake hit me,

I grabbed his arm to stop him. "ok got that." I said, "So then you kick my rear leg and I'll go down." Dad said as I softly kicked his rear leg then he went down."You're doing great sky" Dad happily said. "So then you will go and kick my stomach and I'll fall back." dad said as I softly kicked his stomach and he fell back.

"On the field, you do that faster and harder." Dad explained, "But I have to go on patrol, I'll see you tomorrow." Dad said, "Okay, see you tomorrow or if I'm awake." I said smiling. "You better be asleep when I get back." Dad said with a serious tone.

"Okay, okay I will," I said in a fake but realistic, serious tone. Dad then left I stayed awake the whole time until dad had come back, even though I should be asleep, I snuck down to the bat cave to see a boy around 12 sitting around.
"who's he and why is he in the bat cave ?." I asked myself but I went to bed as I heard footsteps coming.

The next day.

"Morning." I said a bit tiredly "Morning." Dad and Dick said, "I've got someone you might want to meet." Dad said. "Yeah," I said smiling since I already have seen him.

"This is Jason Todd, I'm taking him in from now on," Dad explained to me. He was a good-looking boy he had black hair and green eyes. "Hi." I said
"Hey." Jason said.

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