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Sky's P.O.V
I woke up realising I was still in my dress from last night so I went to my room and got changed into a T-shirt and jeans, I then went to the kitchen.

"Morning," I said. "It's afternoon miss Wayne," Alfred said. "Sleeping must be my hobby"I said and Alfred smiled.

I then went and made some toast and ate that, then I went for a walk around and found Jason.
"You're finally up," Jason said.

"Let's go outside," I said, " Okay," Jason said as we both went out, We then found a spot on the grass and sat down.
"It's nice to have someone my own age on the field with me sometimes and I get to be with you more, but don't tell him"Jason said happily

"It kinda gets boring staying home when everyone is out."I said.
We stayed there and continued talking for a while

"It's getting dark, let's go inside." I said.

"Yeah," Jason said as we both got up we held hands all the way back going into the kitchen.
"Hey, I guess it's pizza night," I said. "Yes it is, and just how you two like it, Miss Wayne and Master Todd," Alfred said with a smile

"Thanks, Alfred, "we both said as we both took a piece and ate it as dad then came in.
"Hey you two were going on a mission"dad said
"Okay"we both said and went to the bat cave to get changed

We then left

When we arrived we went inside a wear house

"Wait here"dad said

"I'm not waiting we need to stop them"Jason said

"Robin what do you think your doing?"dad asked

"What I was trained to do"Jason said as he went to attack the men

So we had to as well, we started fighting.

I punched and kicked some of the men one pointed a gun at me so I Ariel kicked it out of his hand he went to try and get out of the wear house but I pulled him towards me with my grappling hook I then jumped up and knocked him out.

"Well that takes care of those creeps"Jason said

"What the hell was that all about? Didn't I tell you to wait?"dad asked

"Yeah I heard you, but we had the goods on these lowlifes, I didn't see any reason to wait, there were only eight of them"Jason said

"Don't you understand there are procedures we have to follow, I promised to let Gordon in on this bust, but you jumped the gun. What's worse you almost got yourself killed."dad said

"Near misses don't count"Jason argued

"What do you think we're doing here? Playing some game?"dad asked Jason

"Of course, all life's a game"Jason said with anger and left

We then went home I then went to bed to get a bit of sleep before the sun came up when I woke up and got changed I went downstairs to see Jason I then went over to him

"Hey what's going on" I whispered

I frowned as I heard dad talking about him basically behind Jason's back

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