09 : getting used

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" annyeong. my name is hina and im actually japanese. " hina said with a smile as she introduced herself to her new class.

"okay hina please sit beside dong-haechan. " ms jung said.

"FINALLY THE RIGHT NAME. " haechan shouted.

"don't shout. hina you can go now. " ms jung said.

hina walked over to haechan and sat down.

"hi my real name is donghyuk but i prefer to be called haechan. nice to meet you hina. " haechan said introducing himself.

"oh nice to meet-"

"yes and i talk alot so usually people cannot stand sitting with me and therefore no one sits with me but all the seats are filled-"

" haechan. stop talking. " ms jung said sternly.

" why do people like to cut others words so much in this school?" hina said muttering to herself.

"did you say something? " haechan asked hina

"ah no." hina said hurriedly.

"RINGGG... "

"omg yes the bell. " haechan said to hina.

"bye! " haechan said as he ran out of the classroom the second after the class was dismissed.

hina saw koeun walking to her and said " so... where's the canteen? "

"oh right let me bring you there. " koeun said walking out of the classroom.

yay another update. please remember to vote :)

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