11 : vending machine 2

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koeun pov

"so... i'll buy a drink first? " hina asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"oh but i think the drink stall is closed the vending machine is there. " i said pointing to the vending machine.

"oh okay."

hina pov

koeun told me where the vending machine was and i walked there.

somehow i was thinking of jaemin. i mean that's how we met right?

i tried putting my coins in the vending machine but it kept coming out.

"ya it's spoiled. " someone said behind me.

"oh okay thank you. " hina said to the stranger.

"ya jaemin! " a boy shouted to the boy behind me.

"wait you're jaemin? " i said wanting to ask the boy behind me but he was no where to be found.

jaemin pov

"DAMN YOU JISUNG. " i said loudly once i was out of hina's sight.

no one expected 🌚
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