16 : jaemin

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jaemin pov

"YAH JAEMIN GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE! " hina shouted at me after she realized i stole her phone.

oh and she took 20 minutes to realise that.

actually, i was planing to confess to her today.


"mark hyung, how do you confess to someone? " i asked him when we were the only ones left in class.

"no. " mark replied simply and grabbed his bag.

"oh o-"

"WAIT-ARE YOU GONNA CONFESS TO HINA? " mark shouted suddenly as he turned around to face me.

"shush i don't want the whole world to know. "

"but everyone will know once you guys start dating? " mark said as if asking a question.

" oh you have a point... " i said and mark knocked my head.

" just confess to her when it's the right time. " mark said and walked out.

flashback end

"hina.." i started slowly.

"yes what? can you like give me back my phone first? " hina asked impatiently.

"yea sure.. " i said awkwardly and passed her phone to her.

"so what did you want to say? " hina asked.

"urm ijustwanttotellyouilikeyoubutidontthinkyoudosoyeasorry. " i said quickly.

"wait speak slower. " hina said with a confused face.

"basically the main point is that i like you." i said quickly but slower than the first time. ( if that made sense HAHAHA)

" urm. i like you too? " hina said awkwardly. ( this book should be called awkward HAHAH)

" WHOOO! " a voice which everyone can recognize shouted and yes- it's haechan.

we turned back and realised the ' ty track ' squad was all behind.

" BE TOGETHER MY PARENTS! " jisung shouted.

and so, hina became my girlfriend after that confession and that's the end?

nope more things happened but those stories are for another time.

i'll be doing another chap in hina pov & epilogue

and this is the most SHITTEST chapter i wrote before smh

so sorry HAHAHA

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