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six months later

" YAH HAECHAN! STOP BULLYING MY GIRLFRIEND! " jaemin shouted when haechan kept stealing hina's stationary in class, causing hina to complain to jaemin everytime.

"OHHH GIRLFRIEND? " jisung questioned loudly back.

"don't act like you don't have one lol. " mark butted in.

"EXACTLY! " lami said in a joking voice.

"well sorry? " jisung said.


yes, in this six months, many things happened such as, lami and jisung are dating so is mark and koeun too.

renjun and ningning? well i guess everyone is just waiting for one of them to confess.

and yes. jeno stopped harassing hina and actually got together with herin. funny? yes i think so too.

jungyeon? chenle? yiyang? haechan? well i guess they just haven't found the right person yet.

and yes, in a month, all of them except lami and jisung are graduating.

ever wondered how the ' ty track ' squad started?

well, here's the story.

as weird as this sounds, mark decided to "fall down" to skip lesson time one day and went to the sick bay.

well, guess what? clumsy jungyeon on that day decided to accidentally push koeun's table full of books down and a VERY thick book dropped of koeun's foot and made poor koeun go to do the sick bay.

that was how they started talking. i guess sometimes, there's this feeling that you'll get when you know you'll get along with the other well.

and of course, koeun, jungyeon, mark, jaemin and haechan got super close.

then how did they get to know the china kids?

it's kind of funny but there was one day when renjun and chenle got scolded for talking too much in class and had to go detention and at the same time, haechan got detention for talking to everyone. and guess what?

yes. he started talking to renjun and chenle.

and of course a friendship leads to another and so, they became friends with them.

now, how did lami and jisung join their squad too?

well simple, jisung was lost on his first day and koeun helped him and surprisingly, they met again and realised that they were neighbours.

as for lami, she's cousins with jungyeon and she became friends with jisung so i guess that was how they joined?

well then how did jeno and herin fall in love? well actually it was kind of a hate to love story but yea that story is for another time.

unbelievable as it seems, everything that happens to us is fate or destiny and honestly, no one knows what will happen next, we don't know who we'll fall in love with, we don't know which of our friendship will last. so we definitely should cherish everything that we have and not take everything for granted. i mean ANYTHING can happen in this unpredictable world.

but i'm sure that this 'ty track' squad friendship will definitely last forever.

it's the end of the end super sorry if there's any mistakes and PLEASE VOTE OR COMMENT where are my active readers???

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