chapter 5: "she's lost her voice"

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Tomika's POV

I can't wait to play in Germany, the last time we played her was when no fear had a European tour. Just then I start to feel dizzy so I left the conversation me, Freddy, Zack, Lawrence, Summer and Mr Finn were having, they must of noticed because they followed me, I went to go lie down on my bed.

Zack: babe you ok

Tomika: I think so

Freddy: T you sure

Tomika: Ye.... (passes out before she could finish her sentence)

Summer, Zack, Lawrence, Freddy and Mr Finn: Tomika

Freddy then goes up to Tomika and looks at her

Freddy: she's passed out

Zack: will she be ok Freddy

Freddy: she should be Zack

Zack: I hope your right Freddy

Freddy: me too

Summer: we just have to wait for her to wake up then

Freddy: yeah but who knows when that will be

Mr Finn: what do you mean

Freddy: I have no idea when she will wake up

Lawrence: should we get a doctor

Freddy: wait a couple of hours, if she's still passed out then yeah

Zack, Summer, Lawrence and Mr Finn: ok

Zack's POV

I'm starting to worry about my girlfriend, it's been 3 hours and she is still passed out on her bed. I then go up to Tomika.

Zack: come on Miks, please wake up

Summer, Lawrence and Mr Finn then come up to me

Summer: Zack you ok

Zack: it's been hours and she hasn't woken up

Summer: I worried about that too

Lawrence: what about tonight's show

Summer: we may have to cancel it if she doesn't wake up soon

just then Freddy comes in with a doctor

Doctor: Bitte bewegen (please move in German)

Zack, Lawrence, Summer and Mr Finn: (look at the doctor confused)

Freddy: guys get out the way

Zack: you understood him Freddy

Freddy: I speak German

Summer, Zack, Lawrence and Mr Finn: wow

Doctor: Wie lange war sie schon draußen ( how long has she been out for in German)

Freddy: Etwa drei Stunden (about 3 hours in German)

Doctor: Sie sollte jede Minute aufwachen (she should be waking up any minute in German)

Freddy: danke Doktor (thank you doctor in German)

the doctor then leaves

Summer: Freddy you're like fluent in German

Freddy: I know Summer, I've been speaking German for most of my life

Zack: what did he say

Freddy: he said that Tomika should be waking up any minute

Lawrence: that's good

Mr Finn: yeah, Zack's been a mess

Zack: I have not

Freddy: yes you have

Zack: shut up

Freddy: (starts laughing)

Tomika: whats so funny Fre

Zack, Freddy, Summer Lawrence and Mr Finn: Tomika

we then all go up and hug her

Zack: babe are you ok

Tomika: yeah I'm fine what happened

Zack: you passed out babe

Tomika: really

Freddy: yeah you did T

Tomika: oh ok

Summer: you don't remember Tomix

Tomika: nope the last this I remember was leaving the rest stop in Paris, how long was I out for

Mr Finn: about 4 hours

Tomika: wow

Zack: you sure your ok babe

Tomika: yeah, I'm fine Zacky

we then made our way to the venue, we played some songs off our album and as we finished playing the last song we thanked the audience for coming and we left the stage. we are now back on the tour bus

Summer: so Tomix, where's the next stop

Tomika: It...

Tomika then loses her voice

Freddy: T what happened

Tomika: (tries to talk but no words come out)

Tomika then leaves the room and goes to lay down on her bed and she falls asleep

Zack: what's wrong with Tomika

Freddy: she's lost her voice

Lawrence: when will she get it back

Freddy: I have no idea

hi guys find out in the next chapter if Tomika gets her voice back in time for the next show

the school of rock tour (sequel to the truth behind school of rock) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now