chapter 6: Italy

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Tomika's POV

I am freaking out, my voice is still gone, I'm really scared what if my voice doesn't come back

Zack: hey babe

Tomika: (waves at Zack)

Zack: still haven't got your voice back then

Tomika: (shakes her head)

Summer: hey guys

Zack: hey Summer

Tomika: (waves at Summer)

Summer: she still hasn't got her voice back

Zack: no


Freddy, Lawrence and Mr Finn: what's up

Summer: Tomika still hasn't got her voice back

Freddy, Lawrence and Mr Finn: WHAT

Freddy's POV

I am really worried about Tomika, yes she has lost her voice before but it has always come back by now

Summer: what are we going to do about tonight's show

Tomika then runs out of the room

Lawrence: is she ok

Freddy: I don't think so

Zack: I just wish we knew what's going on with her

Freddy: guys come on, lets go and find Tomika

Summer, Zack, Lawrence and Mr Finn: yeah ok

we find Tomika asleep on her bed, but she is crying, this must be really hard for her


I just really hop Tomika has her voice back. We are at the next venue in Italy, this place is amazing

Zack: babe have you got your voice back

Tomika: (shakes her head)

Tomika then texts me

~just go on without me - Tomika~

~T we can't do that - Freddy~

Summer: Freddy what did she text you

Freddy: she wants us to go on without her

Zack: can I talk to you in private babe

Tomika: (nods her head)

the school of rock tour (sequel to the truth behind school of rock) (completed)Where stories live. Discover now