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"How do you get through each day?
Hope. I get through the day by having hope. I wake up in the morning and even though there's that part of me saying "not again" there's also that part thinking "what am I going to do today?". And yes, I have negative thoughts about that. I think "nothing, cuz I'm useless and worthless and a piece of shit" but I also think "well today I could meet my soulmate, get a job, make new lifetime friends." "In a few years I'll have a job and my soulmate with me and maybe even children of my own." In many years time I'll have grandchildren maybe. I'll have got my dreams and added more to the collection. I'd have travelled to all those far off places, I'll have my dream job. I'll be happy."
You see you've just go to have hope,
You are happy all the time, even now,
Although you don't feel it. It's inside of you. And it's waiting to come out completely. To express itself to you and others properly. Hope is the main thing to remember. Remember you have hope."

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