Cutting Poem

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"I feel so numb, I rush to my room
The frantic thoughts in my head start to resume
I rush to my desk and look all around
Until a rusty razor is what I have found
I grab it with one hand and take a seat on my bed
As I lift up my sleeve to reveal what lays ahead
Pale white lines that make creases in my skin
They're there to remind me that I'll never win
I want to feel something so I render my arm
To the vicious temptations of committing self harm
First I imagine the pain I will feel
And I press down the razor to make it more real
I imagine the red liquid that will flow from my vein
And I wonder if I'm truly going insane
I close my eyes tight and clench my fist
As I drag my old razor across the top of my wrist
A raging pain I remember all too well
As I bite back my lip to keep back a yell
I open my eyes and look down in dismay
As the blood keeps on running without delay
I know I'm in pain but at least I feel
And besides in time it's going to heal
I go to the bathroom and try my best
To patch up my wound and clean up the mess
I rinse off the blade and return it to its place
So if I need it again its there just in case
I lay in my bed and take one more glance at my arm
Just another day failing victim to self harm."

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