The Bird With the Broken Wing

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  As I was walking to school, I notice something fall to the grow right in front of me. It is a bird, and it appears to be injured. It must have hit something and broken it's wing. I pick up the bird and see that It is shaking. It was scared. I wrap my hands around it to give it warmth as I walk to school. On the way, I decide to name him Larry. As I enter the building, The Larry starts moving. A few seconds later, he fly's out of my hands and freaks everyone out. Everyone in the hallway is running and screaming.

  Larry comes towards me, so I put my hand out, hoping he will land on my finger. He does and so as soon as he does, I get a good hold of him so he can't fly away again. One of the teachers yell at me for bringing a live bird into school and makes me let him go outside. Once outside, I say goodbye to Larry and tell him he can visit me anytime he wants. Since he's a bird, he didn't respond, so I just let him go and he fly's away. Everyday after that, a bird fly's around me on my way to and from school. I'm guessing that it is Larry making sure I make it to and from school safely. He also comes by my house every now and again and then I'll give him pieces of bread. I guess I found a new best friend.

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