Chapter 23

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Its been four days since Jess was gone and shes comming back today. I'm so exited! I was on twitter looking at random pictures until I spotted one that caught my eye. It was a picture of the same guy in the picture and video with Jess. I went on his profile and explored. There were pictures of him with 1D cutouts and posters. I found some pictures of him and Jess the last four days and found a video at the bottom of his page. I played it to see what it was. He addimited he was gay..

"ZAYYYNNN!" I yelled running downstairs to the couch where he was.

"What is it babe?" He paused the show he was watching

"You have to see this!" I showed him the video and he looked in disbelief.

"We have to tell Harry before he breaks up with her. LET'S GO!" We grabbed our coats and ran to the car


We were alll in the car on the way to Harry house singing What Makes you Bueatifuk\l. Actully mor like screaming the lyrics.

"Were here!!! Eek I can't wait to meet Harry " Rachel jumped up and down in her seat

"OMG I think I'm going to faint!!!" Trevor fanned himself

"This is the best day of my life! I can't believe I meeting THE Harry Styles!!" Say said while parking in the driveway. I knocked on the door and Harry opened it. I smiled widley but he had a blank expression

"Hi Harry! How-"

"Were over." Was all he said then shu the door.

"What.. Wha did I do..?"

"Go away All of you little assholes!" He yelled through the door. I stared to cry and Sam patted my back

"He's a jerk!" She said

"Ugh I can't believe he did that! What a dick" Rachel said walkin back to the car. Sam followed behind. Trevor embraced me and rubbed circled in my back.

"Hey don't cry. He's just a asshole that doesnt deserve you." He said quietly. I cried into his chest and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thanks Trev. I'm thinkin about returning those free 1D tickets I got you guys." I laughed

"Please do" He laughed

"Some day you find the perfec guy that will treat you right ." He said into my hair

"So will you trevor, maybe one with abs jus like you " I laughed and put my hands on his abs.

"A man ca only dream" He kissed my forhead and laughed

"Let's get back t the car now." I said. Trevor put his arm around my shoulder and we started t walk. I turned my head arou and sa Harry in the window. His expression was mad and sad at th same time. We hopped into the car and sam started driving

"Where ar we going?" I asked

"Somewhere to ge your mind off Harry " Sam said while driving


"Jeez calm down" Rachel laughed, "Were going t th local carnival."

"Yay I wanna go on a rollercoaster!" Trever yelled.

"I don't like rollercoasters.." Rachel whispered

"Well today's the day you will! " Sam exclaimed. While the were blabbin on about rollercoasters, I thought about Niall. I know Claire really likes him but now tha I wasn't wit Harry, I wanted to be with him. Maybe Claire would give him up for me? That's jus being selfish. I need Niall righ now. If only he was still single..


I watched as Jess and that Trevor guy hugged. So it was true? Discusting. I saw her feeling his stomach, probably abs. He kissed her on the forhead and walked awa with her, his arm slinged aroung his shoulder. She looked back wit a smile on her face, probable trying to make me jealous. I was snapped out of my thoughts whe the door just slinged open.

"HARRY! HARRY! HOL SHIT HARRY WHAT HAPPENED?!" Perrie was standing in fron of me panting

"Were over. Done. Gone. No more. She's cheating on me"

"NO SHE'S NOT!!!" Zayn ran in out of breath.

"Proove it then" Perrie too out her phone and showed me pictures of him with 1D stuff. Then there was a video saying he's gay. He didn't like her. He likes us.

"Holy Shit Harr you fucked up bad." Zayn said and sat down

"There's no way your getting her back now." Perrie sighed

"We have to find where they wwent"

"Harry were not stalkers.." Zayn crossed his arms

"Look! On Trevor's twitter it says there headed to the fair." Perrie scrolled through her phone.

"Good thinking! Let's go"


Righ now were at a table drinking a milkshake wit four starws. There are paps but I don't care.

"Can we go on another rollercoater?" Rachel asked taking another sip

"Well, well, well, look who finally likes rollercoasters!" I bumped rachel with my arm and laughed.

"Hey let's go in there!" Sam pointed to a photo booth

"Good idea! " Trevor ran and beat us there

"You run like a girl" I joked

"Excatally" He laughed and we all walked into the photo booth. I sat on Rachel and Sam sa on Trevor. We took a bunch of pictures so we all coul ge one. In on picture Sam is licking m ear.. don't ask..We all made duck faces, but Trevor's wa th best.

"Hey look over there! " Sam pointed to a club

"No not right now, it's to early. We'll go a night" Trevor said still walking

"OMG!!!" I squealed and hid behing Sam

"What is it?" She asked. I pointed to three people walking while looking around. It was Zayn, Perrie, and Harry. I saw Perrie Point to us

"Run" Rachel said.

"No I can't. Today was a bad day to wear heels." I wined. I turned around to see them getting closer. Trevor scooped me up on hi back and ran.

"Run faster, their catching up!!!" Sam screamed. We ra into the mirror maze and trie to find our way thouh it.

"Where do we go?" I said looking around lost.

"This was such a bad idea" Trevor said. All of a sudden we say Harry's reflection behind us. Trevor put me down and we tried to find out way through

"Shit it's a wall!" Rachel said. We saw their reflection getting closer s we stood there turned around.

"Come on I know it's you Jess, turn around." Harry said walking closer

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