Chapter 6: Onyx

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Alex’s POV

I can not believe the anger that flew over me, as I stabbed the Woman. She should have never attacked Shay. I dropped my weapon and with in an instant i was beside Shay. Her eyes wide with terror as she comprehended what she had seen. I almost thought she was going to push me away because she was scared. She was shaking

“I’m so sorry Shay.” I said, knowing those words didn’t even begin to cover what i was feeling inside. I should have been watching. “I should have gotten here sooner.”

She seemed at lost for words. I took her by the hand and led her back in the shop.I hope she gets over her fear soon, because if she was the one in the prophecy-- i pushed that aside. I led her by her arm into the café.

“SHAY!” A loud voice barked, “Back to work!” Shay moved with obedience but i held her back.

“Not so fast..” I murmured in her ear. “No can Do ma'am, i believe Shay has low blood sugar and she needs to take a break for a little bit.” My voice was irresistible. She couldn’t deny something that to her was the ultimate truth.

“Oh.” Was all she could respond as I led Shay to the front and to my car. Not bothering to ask her for directions considering i knew where she lived, from multiple different… It doesn’t matter. I knew she wasn’t coherent enough to realize that i didn’t ask her for directions to her house.

“Where are your keys?” I asked, ready to search but she pulled her keys out of her pocket and she fumbled wildly with the lock, my hands covered hers, as i turned the lock. I held my breath, hoping she felt the same connection as i felt. I opened the door, and picked her up in my arms, and carrying her into her house. Her room was easy to find. It was obviously the red and black one. If i had never looked in the window, i still would have know. Jeez, i feel like an absolute stalker….

I set her on her bed, and covered her with her blanket, she was already asleep, oddly enough. adrenaline must not affect her the way it affects others. I left the room, so as not to disturb her when she wakes up later on tonight. I settled down on her couch in the living room, turning on the TV to some random movie, it seemed like harry potter.

Hours Later

“Hey sleepy head…” A soft voice emanated from above me. I groaned and turned over, but i felt a light weight rested itself next to me. I knew it was her.

“Are you feeling better now?” I mumbled lightly, attempting to sit up, rubbing my eyes sleepily as i did so. I sat up, and leaned my head on her shoulder without thought. She sighed happily, but i didn’t give it a second thought.

“Yes, i feel a lot better. Thank you…” She said holding a lot of meaning behind it.

“I guess you probably have a lot of questions…” I said, trying to think straight.

“Yes i do.” She said handing me a cup of freshly made coffee, like the one she held in her hand. Damn this woman. She is too much.

“Ah, thank you…” I said, taking a small sip of it, finding it to be the perfect heat. “Well, ask away, i just can not promise you answers.”

She hesitated. “Why did she want to kill me?” I saw the look of pure terror in her eyes, and i put my arm around her comfortingly.

“Your father, was a very interesting man.” I started off, watching her reaction carefully. “He was involved with the Sapphire. The opposite cult, was named Onyx, and because of the havock your father brought down on them, they declared to kill his offspring.” I took another sip before continuing. “You are in a famous prophecy, that will either aid or destroy the world..”

“What?!” She said alarmed. Looking confused.

“You’ll understand soon, i promise. It takes a little getting used to.” I said trying to comfort her although i knew it wasn’t working.

“I guess….” She said softly. “So who was luna? And why did you kill her?” She asked, hysteria bubbling out of her voice.

“It was necessary. Once her orders were given, she would stop at nothing to kill you.” I said trying to hide the anger in my voice.

“Oh…” She was all she could think of to say. “Thank you for saving me… I am a black belt in Karate but that sure doesn’t do much against someone with a knife.”

“True.” I stated, “We need to get you to the Elders so you can begin to train.”

“What??” She asked, looking alarmed.

“You have to be prepared if anything else happens. Plus you’ll learn how to use magic.”I said, knowing that was her weak spot. You can tell that ever since she was a kid that is something she dreamed of.

“What do you mean?” I couldn’t tell if there was disbelief in her voice, or if she just didn’t believe me. If she didn’t believe me then it would screw our friendship over until she finally decided that I was telling the truth about it all. My palm tingled as the light around the coffee in her cup began to glow a bright blue. She stared at it in amazement as the coffee lifted into the air in the shape of an orb, molding itself into a heart, before lowering itself back into the cup.

“How did you do that?” She said excited. I showed her the palms of my hands. The sapphires still holding their glow, as the power was extinguished.

“You will have sapphires too, once you hit your 17th birthday.” I said, hoping that she would say her birthday. She did.

“That’s in a week.” She replied puzzled. “Does it hurt?”

“Not too much, it hurts in a good way.” I smiled, remembering my shock when my sapphires had come in, because i had no past knowledge of them. I felt like i was having an orgasm. She rubbed her thumbs over them lightly, feeling their softness.

“Now come on.” I said taking her hands in mine and pulling her towards the door, “We need to see the elders, Now.” I thought , I shouldn’t scare her with Teleporting right now. I think she has handled enough so far today...

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