Chapter 5:Merry Meet

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Shay’s POV

Nothing happened for the next few days. Almost everything seemed to be normal despite the fact my mother came home. I nearly yearned for the the man in the alley to appear, here, around the corner, in the driveway, or at work. Yet he never did. I ached inside for adventure, for something to steal me out of my dull life that never changed. I got my wish…

Three days after the strange encounter in the Alley, I was working in the Coffee shop in town, when...

“Hello,” A pair of eyes strangely familiar met mine, they were a deep blue. I gasped and stepped away from the counter. He acted as if nothing had happened though. “I’d like to order a Double Chocolate Chip Mocha Frappuccino.” His eyes twinkled at my reaction but before I could even mention it, he had dropped the money on the counter and made his way to a booth off to my right. I sucked in some air,

I made up his Frappuccino in a matter of seconds. His order was my most important right now. I put extra chocolate on the top and grabbed a straw. What was I doing? This man was trouble. Why should i even associate with him?I knew why. I deep desire pulled me to him, almost like a magnet. I steadied myself for a second before pushing the door that said employees only, and handing him his Frap. He was reading what appeared to be a newspaper, but none that i had ever seen around here.

“Double choc, Mocha Frap!” I declared a large smile on my face, which unlike with other customers, wasn’t fake. I handed him the receipt, i had put a smiley face on the bottom and i really hoped he noticed.

“Thank you Shay.” A deep voice resonated beside me.

“Ho-How do you know my name?” I asked stunned.

“It’s on your name tag silly.” He said smiling, his blue eyes sparkling.

“Oh.” I said taken aback by his observation although it was such a simple one. “Well you know my name, may I know yours?” I said, observing for myself that it wasn’t fair he knew mine.

“Alex, Alex Peirce.” He said holding out his hand.

“Shay, Shay Clark.” I said shaking his hand. His eyes, seemed to be seeing straight into my soul. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I dropped my hand back to my side. “How come i have never seen you in town before?”

“You have..” He said taking a sip of his coffee. He looked up at my eyes, gauging my reaction, as i comprehended what he was saying. The guy in the alley. That was him! That’s why those blue eyes were so familiar. That’s why i was so drawn to him. My heart flipped. I didn’t even know what to say.

“Thank you.” I said, with meaning. Hoping that he understood the underlying meaning beneath my words.

“Anything for you.” He said a smile hidden behind his lips. The bell at the counter rang, and i brushed the table as i walked back and helped with the order in front of me. I went out in the back to get some fresh whipped cream.

“Hello Shay…” A women pronounced from somewhere in the shadows, her voice seemed to shake my very insides. I shuddered and shrunk back, before realizing if anything I should be standing upright, not acting very afraid.

“Who are you?” I asked, not sure which direction to look, considering the whole garage was very dark.

“My name is Luna.” The voice spoke again, sending shivers up and down my spine. “And i have come to Kill you…” A pale body launched itself at me, with a knife in its hand. I dove to the left to avoid it, but it managed to slice the fragile skin on my shoulder. I winced in the pain, suddenly being really i have a high pain tolerance.

“Time to Die, Shay. Are you ready?” It launched itself at me again but before it could land the fatal blow. A dark figure slammed its body into her, knocking her off course, and toppling into a stack of boxes. I took a deep breath and took a step closer only to be shocked by the blades i saw flying.

“She is mine.” A deep voice rumbled, holding power over the woman.

“It is her turn to die. Without her death, the world will come to an end.” A low, feral growl emitted from the woman, as a knife plunged into her chest

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