Part 3- the 14th girl

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"Yeah?" I asked and quickly put back all the folders back in the bag.
I heard his heavy footsteps getting nearer. I started to freak out a little.

"Is everything okay?" I asked and pushed his bag on the chair while I set on the table in a hurry.

Blake entered the room in zombie like steps with his hair all messed up. He stood there and looked at me with sleepy eyes and an half opened mouth. "I heard a noise," he said a little suspicious.

I bitted my lower lip. Come on, Lizzy, I thought to myself. Say something smart. Think.

"I just thought about, " I started to say, not sure what words will come drilling out of my mouth. "The fact that you still haven't got my phone number."
I sighed under my breath. That wasn't too bad, right? Could have said something much worse, like the truth; 'just looking at your files because I wanted to know more about you, and boy what did I find' kind of style.

"Lizzy," he said heavily.

"Lose it," I mumbled. I couldn't keep it in- I didn't know what to think about the fact that he had a file about me is his bag. A very descriptive one.

Suddenly, his sleepy eyes awakened completely. "What did you say?"

I was going to say 'nothing' but I stopped myself in the last moment. It was clear that it was already too late- he heard me.

"I said lose it."

He eyes trailed around my surroundings until they found what they were looking for- his bag.
"You looked at my stuff?" He asked. "In what right?" His face grimed under the small dim of light which snacked in through the window shields. 


"Your phone-"

"I'm not going to take your phone number! Stop trying to force me to." He interrupted in anger.

I swallowed and smiled to myself. I knew how to fix this mess now.

"Your alarm clock was on, I was searching for it in your bag in order to turn it off." I hushed him.

I saw how he was going to blast some more words at me, and how my comment made those words vanish.

"I'm surprised you didn't t hear it," I laughed and took his phone out of the bag. "Sorry for the misunderstanding."

"I'm the one who should be sorry." He hissed. "Is that really all that happened?"


"Well, if you must know, then no." I said and moved a hair from my face. "I also went to the bathroom in order to sort myself out for when, um, you would wake up."

His eyes were staring right into mine as if searching for the slightest doubt that I'm lying. I didn't give it much notice, as all I could think about was how I was melting like honey while his honey brown eyes stared at me.

"What?" I asked and drew myself nearer to him. I started to draw different shapes on his four pack. "Is it so weird that I didn't want to look like a troll? Cause I don't know about you, but I don't think trolls look very-" I looked into his eyes and changed my voice a little. "-sexy." And just like he did before, I was searching in the black of his eyes whether he bought it or not.

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