Part 2- Blake, Blake, Blake

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"So Blake," I said while finishing the sushi in my mouth. "What do you do for a living?"

"I'm lawyer."

"Cool," I said and looked into his eyes.
"What type of law do you practice?"

"All sorts really," he said and smiled his conquering smile.

"Cool," I said once again. "Although you don't look like most lawyers do."

"Which means?"

"Lifeless." I said with a small giggle. He laughed lightly and I felt myself swooning in delight.

"What about you, Lizzy? How long have you been an editor in 'Balance'?"

"Four years."

Blake raised an eyebrow and asked "how old are you again?"

"Twenty four," I said without thinking twice, only realizing after that I lied. I got so used to saying it from the clubs era that I just didn't pay attention. Shoot, did he notice? My mind was preoccupied with thoughts about him.

Blake blinked twice, and smiled once more. After that the conversation flowed quite nicely, even though I knocked down the soya which spilled all over the table.

The time was eleven thirty when we left the restaurant. He started saying all the normal statements which signaled the upcoming ending of the date. But I didn't want it to end, plus I just had to know.

"Blake, will you call me?"

He opened his mouth and closed it like a fish. He answered a few seconds later; "sure, Lizzy."

"I mean for real, yeah?" I went on.

"Yes, Lizzy. We'll see," he laughed.

He came closer in order to hug me, but instead I pulled his collar and kissed him. He was taken by surprise at start but it didn't take him long to take control. I smiled. We stood there for what seemed like forever, but at the end, like every ever, we separated lips.

"So," I said and caught my breath "really, really?"

"Hmm?" he hummed in question.

"Will you really call?"

He sighed. "Yes, Lizzy. Good night." On that note he started to walk slowly away towards the parking lot.

Come on, Lizzy. I told myself. You've got to do something. Anything.

So, with the first idea popping in my head, I jumped on his back and wrapped my legs around him.

"God dammit, Lizzy?"

"Hmm?" I whispered in his ear.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I laughed while doubts started to creep into my head. Have I gone too far?

-Blake's point of view-

Damn she was heavy.

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