Devin is up top.
"Fine, I guess we can discuss this. Get your brother in here, I need to let you two know something before we continue on with what this little whore did." my dad retaliates as he pulls out a empty kitchen chair an plops down in it.
"Devin, can you come in the kitchen please? Dad needs to talk to us." Delilah says into her cell phone, that I didn't even realize she had gotten out from her pocket. I'm guessing Devin said he would be here in a few minutes, because right now hes walking through the kitchen door with Jayson trailing behind him like a lost puppy, confusion evident on both of their faces.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Devin questions cautiosly as him and Jayson sit down at the table with us. Thank god Devin sat next to me and Delilah instead if Jayson. I would have passed out if he sat by us.
"Well son, I really hate that I have to inform you of this now, on your eighteenth birthday and all but I'm giving you and Delilah a week from today to move out." Everyones mouth drops open and I can see tears starting to pool in Delilahs eyes.
"Now, I was going to wait until the new year before asking y'all to move out; but since Kaylie has decided to turn into a liar I figured it would be best if I had the two of you move out now, to keep at least two of my children pure." he continues on, glaring at me the entire time.
"Can someone please tell us what it is Kaylie supposedly lied about? Did she lie about her grades, about being sick? Honestly I don't see a reason to kick me and Delilah out just because Kaylie has lied about something. I mean think about it, everyone at this table has lied about something at one point or another, and we've all forgave them for lying and have forgotten about it. So what's so serious about this lie?" Devin asks, looking between me and dad for an answer.
"Kaylie, do you want to do the honors of telling everyone what you've lied about or should I do it?" Our dad growls in my direction, pure hatred in his eyes.
"I didn't lie about anything dad! I was telling you the fucking truth when I said that, scum bag, Jayson, raped me when I went to help him get the cases of water out of his car! I can't believe you think I'm lying about something as serious as me being raped!" I scream, my blood boiling. Looking around at everyones faces, I take in their expressions. Devin's eyes are the size of saucers, Jayson is smiling, Delilah has tears running down her face, and my dad, well my dad is just sitting there smircking at me.
"Now, young lady, I don't tolerate that type of language from you. Jayson, would you like to defend yourself?" My dad asks as he glares at me, then turns to look at Jayson.
"Yes sir, I would love to defend myself from the false accusations, our dear and sweet Kaylie has pinned against me." Jayson replies as he acts all sweet and innocent towards my dad.
"Well go on, and Kaylie I suggest you keep your mouth shut." dad states.
"Sir, it's as simple as I didn't rape Kaylie. You as well as everyone at this table know that I would lay a hand on someone in a harmful manner. What happened tonight was no where near what Kaylie is making it out to be. Tonight as we were walking to my car to get the cases of water I simply nudged her and she tripped, I grabbed her upper arm to keep her from face planting. I swear." Jayson claims as he lies straight through his teeth. Devin shakes his head and gets up to leave.
"Kaylie, I can't believe you would lie about something like that but I am extremly dissapointed in you. Thanks for ruining my birthday, come on Jayson. You can come help me pack." Devin says, dissapointment and hurt evident in his voice.
"Delilah, I'm going to have to ask you to leave now. Kaylie and me have to discuss her punishment." My father says looking at me and Delilah. Deciding against arguing with him, I get up off her lap, so she can stand up. Once she stands up she gives me a big hug.
"When your able to escape I want you to come up to my room." Delilah whispers in my ear as shes letting go. Once she fully lets go I sit back down and watch her leave. When shes gone father bangs his fist on the table and gets up.

KaylieBelle's Story
Roman pour AdolescentsA mix of family violence, rape, teen pregnancy, drunk father figures, twin sisters, an older brother and so much more! What else is there to want??