Chapter 3

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"Guys, I think I'm going to break up with Jared." Spencer broke the silence as we were all getting ready for the game at my house.

"WHAT? Why???" We all seemed to ask at the same time.

Spencer and Jared have been dating for ages, like seriously it's been a year for fucks sake I mean, I honestly tried to warn her about him after they'd been dating for 6 months because well, you know my thing about relationships lasting for too long. She had ignored me so we figured they'd probably be together for ever and ever and eventually get married. So you can see why this would shock us.

"Jesus Brooke, I thought you, of all people would be glad?" She said.

"Why would I be glad? After you guys hit your 1 year anniversary I figured you guys were a forever thing."

"Anyways, why are you breaking up with him?" Karson cut in.

"I think.... I think he's cheating on me guys...." She said it so quietly that it was barely audible. We all just kinda stood there, not really sure what to say.

"Well, why do you think that Spence? I'm sure he's not.. I mean, the boy adores you!" Remy laughed.

"He's just not the same anymore... He's like way overprotective of his phone and he never let's me go on it, and last weekend we were supposed to hang out and he completely 'forgot'" she paused. "I mean, who the hell forgets he has a date with his girlfriend! Even Brooke remembers her dates and she's the least romantic person I know!!"

"Gee, thank spence." I said as a shot her a playful glare.

"I just, I want to be the one to break up with him. I don't want him to come to me one day and say 'oh! I've been cheating on you for a few months now so I think we should break up!'" She looked hurt. I honestly wanted to stab Jared right now. That fucking prick! I mean, spencer is GORGEOUS she has a perfect body, and everything!!! There are like 50 guys in our school who basically drool when she walks by. Who does that douche think he is???

"BROOKE!" I was torn out of my thoughts of how to kill Jared by the girls yelling at me.

"Sorry, what?"

"I said, should I break up with him tonight? Or should I wait a while?" Spencer looked worried and sad and scared and I HATED Jared for it.

"Do it tonight. That prick doesn't deserve you one second more, if he's cheating on you." I said angrily.

One thing you should know about our little posse, is that if you mess with one of us, you might as well have just messed with all of us because we are definitely going to make sure that your remaining years of high school would be complete HELL.

That's right bitch. Be scared!

"Okay....." she said quietly.


"Guys really! I'm fine! Can we please just go get shitfaced? That's all I need right now." Spencer said.

After the game, she had broken up with Jared. And Jared, being the asshole that he is, announce in front of EVERYONE that he had, in fact, been cheating on her and that he no longer gave a damn about her. And Spencer, being the badass that she is, announced that she didn't give a fuck and walked away, convincing the whole audience that she really didn't. But we knew better. You could tell when spence was lying because her left eyebrow would kind of just wiggle around and I'm pretty sure Karson, Remy, and I were the only ones who knew this. We knew she wasn't ok, but we weren't going to push it.

"Whatever you say Spence." I smirked then said "hey Rem, guess who's night it is to be designated driver?"

"Go fuck yourself Brooklyn" She said, using my full name.

We got out of the car to join Ryan and a bunch of our friends. Everyone was looking at Spencer and I wanted to stab them for it.

We walked into a crowded room, where like 500 sweaty couples were exchanging saliva, it looked like most of the kids were already smashed.

This is exactly what I need tonight, I thought to myself as I lit my cigarette. No responsibilities, no adults, absolutely perfect.


How Remy managed to get us all back to my house in one piece after the party, I have no idea. But here we are and I have one bitch of a hangover.

"See Brookie darling, there is an up-side to not getting wasted" Remy smirked at me as she slid me a cup of coffee.

"Yeah whatever." I moaned.

*ring ring ring* *ring ring ring*

*ring ring ring*


Who, in their right mind, would call me at 10am on a Saturday morning. Like honestly, do they have a death wish?

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.

"Hello dearie, I just wanted to let you know I'll be home this afternoon!" the voice on the other end said, all too happily.

"Oh, great." I said, not trying to hide the annoyance in my voice. I was pissed at my mother and I didn't care if she knew it.

"For Christ's sake Brooklyn. You COULD sound a little more enthusiastic." my mother spat back.

"Who says I'm not?" I said sweetly, fakely.

"When are you going to learn to grow up Brooklyn?" She sounded mad. I didn't care. " I'll be home at 2." She said as she hung up. Joy.

"Who was that?" Karson and Spencer asked at the same time.

"My mom. She's coming home at 2.. Please stay. Please. I can't deal with her all by myself today." I practically begged.

"Of course!" Remy said.

"My parents are going to kill me if I'm not home, sorry I can't stay Brooke." Karson mumbled.

We all looked at Spencer.

"Why are you guys looking at me? Your mom hates me Brooke. She thinks I'm a creepy whore! She's actually told me that! I love you Brooke but I can't handle your mom... Sorry" spence managed to say at last.

"Ugh. Fine. Thanks for staying Rem." I smiled. I knew spencer was right. My mother disapproved of her because of her hair. My mom was the definition of judgmental.

****** hi hi hiiiii! I hope you guys enjoyed this! The plot will be picking up more in the next few chapters! Please vote and comment your opinions! I love you all!!! xxx******

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