Chapter 2

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I was startled out of a sort of half sleep thingy by my annoying teacher's annoying voice.

"Would you please repeat to the class what I've just been talking about?"

Fuck. I'm so screwed. I had no idea what he had been talking about.

"Uh, yeah. Uh the uh" I stuttered

"Well ms. Young?"

God why did he always have to pick on me? What had I ever done to him?

I was about to make up some lame story based off of what was on the board but luckily just then the last bell of the day rang. Thank the lord.

I got up and smirked at mr. Evans and rushed out of the class to meet up with the girls. This was the only period I had where one of them wasn't in my class.

"Brookie!!" I turned around to see Karson running towards me with a huge smile on her face

"For gods sake, Karson. Don't call me that! It's so. Like I don't know preppy and weird and that's what my mothers photographer calls me" my mom worked in a model agency thingy lining up photo shoots for models and shit.

"Sorry babe I couldn't resist it! Guess what happened in Mrs. B's class!?" Karson shrieked.

God, why was she so hyper today? Don't get me wrong, Karson is one of my closest friends, it's just that she's a little TOO happy sometimes.

"Let me guess, uhhhh never mind I don't know." I said. I was in a pissed of mood thanks to Mr. Evans and Karson wasn't helping things.

She started telling me about how mrs. B was giving some boring lecture and blah blah blah then some kid did something.

Honestly I wasn't in the mood so I just kind of zoned out. Just then Spencer and Remy walked up to us. Thank god, I thought to myself.

"Are we still on for tonight?" Remy asked, as she sloppily threw her arm around my neck. "Duhh!" Spencer and I said in unison.

"Kars, did you ask your parents?"

We all looked at Karson, "uhh, yeah I did. They said it would be fine I just have to be back by 11" she said

"ELEVEN!?" We all shouted.

"For fucks sake Karson! When are they going to trust you and let you do things on your own! I mean they should trust me! They've known me for years!" I said

"Well, maybe that's WHY they don't trust you" Karson smirked at me. We all laughed, because we knew how true it was.

Karson was the only one out of us 4 who's parents actually cared what she did. Which, as you can imagine, made things a little harder to plan.

In 7th grade, the girls and I snuck into a concert. It was all fun and games until we got caught. We didn't get in that much trouble but Karson's parents have never forgiven me, seeing it was my idea.

"So that means you can't sleep over?" Remy asked.

"I guess... I'm sorry that I can't guys. I really wanted to" I definitely felt bad for Karson. Her parents were stricter than strict. It would suck to have parents like that. But hey, at least they cared.

Since it was Friday, we were all going to go to our schools football game, go to a party afterwards, then everyone was going to spend the night at my house.

"Hey kars, I've got an idea." I said with a devilish grin.

"Thank the good lord for you Brooke." Spencer said and the other two agreed.

"Hey! It's just not the same without you there Karson, so, it's up to me to get you there! Since these two pussy's won't do anything" I laughed, pointing at Spencer and Remy. And then I felt strong arms wrap around me. I smiled to myself then tilted my head back and kissed him.

Oh wait. Sorry you don't know who "him" is. I forgot you guys aren't psychics...

"Him" is my boyfriend. His name is Ryan and he is probably the most perfect guy in this school. I promise this isn't going to be all cliche, he doesn't have perfect blonde hair and blue eyes that resemble the ocean, he's not the star quarter back on the football team, his name isn't even jake so calm down. He has brown hair and light green eyes, he has several tattoos and his left ear is pierced. So many girls in this school would KILL to have him but he's mine. All mine.

We've been dating for.. 4 months I think and he's the first guy I've been truly happy with.

He kissed me back harder then turned me around so I was facing him. It was all fine and dandy until Remy let out a groan and muttered "get a room"

I turned back around to face her and said "You're just jealous cause you can't keep a boyfriend" she laughed and spat back at me "oh I could keep one, they're just too much work" she winked at Ryan and we all busted up laughing. Everyone knew Remy didn't do boyfriends. I didn't blame her. It almost always meant heartbreak. Well, not if you did it right.

Spencer's boyfriend joined us and a few other girls.

"So Brooke, what's you're fabulous plan?" Karson piped up.

"I'm not sure if this will work or not, but it's worth a try. Tell your parents that we decided not to go to the game tonight because Spencer's having a bad day and we're all going to stay the night at her house. They trust Spence, right?" I told them my idea.

"They'd better buy this. I don't want to miss tonight's party! Thanks Brooke, you're the best" she squealed. I just laughed and we walked out of that goddamned hell hole (aka school)

**** UGGHH I FEEL LIKE THIS SUCKED! I'm sorry if this chapter seemed like it didn't really have a plot. Bc it didn't. I'm just kinda trying to introduce you guys into their lives. The whole story will probably be from Brooke's pov, kind of like her telling the story ok? I love you guys tons! Thanks for reading!! Don't forget to vote and leave feedback! xxx ****

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