Chapter 9

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Robbie was at a loss. He didn't know what to do, it was a little more than 4 years since the last time he was taking care of her! He tried to call his mother but she didn't help him, and he couldn't believe that even Sportacus didn't help her as he thought.

She locked herself in the room for the past week. Didn't come out to eat or drink, and he didn't know if she was sleeping or doing something else. And ignoring their agreement, she locked the door. Robbie was afraid that maybe she already killed herself, but was relieved every time she went to the bathroom, but he never got a chance to catch her and talk to her.

He was at a loss.


Riley was also at a loss. She felt sick of this world, of her life. She was bullied since she remembers herself. People always had something to say to her, for no reason, although they did find all the stupid reasons just to insult her. There were so many insults that she couldn't remember them.

So she took out her private diary, opened the lock and began to write. Usually, at the end of each day, she would spill her thoughts of the day into her dairy, but sometimes she turned her feelings into a song that she wrote down in there.


After being in her room for the long week, she decided to take a night walk in her pyjama. She quietly left the liar, and tip-toed her way out of it, and walked toward the town.

It was so quiet and peaceful at the town, nobody could bother or annoy her. She began to talk to herself.

"It's really nice here at night. I should've done that a long time ago." She thought to herself out loud.

Then she walked to a bench nearby. She sat and just looked around. She really liked the darkness. She made sure that nobody was really around to see or hear her, and then she started to sing the song that she wrote in her diary at the same night.

Breathless/Violetta (English Dub)

Since I talked to you of love, not a trace of you is there.

If you want to you can hide, but I still can see you care.

Anymore... nothing that I see is clear. I'm not asking very much, just tell me that it's real!

I'm left here breathless, getting so careless,

Leaving me helpless, yeah, don't you believe?

If you listen I will talk, tell you what I need to say,

But you look into my eyes, and we'll put aside these games

We play.

You'll feel love. And then you'll go after it.

Never truth, praise to when you're ready to admit.

I'm left here breathless, getting so careless,

Leaving me helpless, yeah, don't you believe?

I'm left here breathless, getting so careless,

Leaving me helpless, yeah, don't you believe?

I'll understand...!

But tell me that you love me if you can...!

...I'm left here breathless. Getting so careless.

Leaving me helpless. Yeah, don't you believe?

I'm left here breathless. Getting so careless.

Leaving me helpless. Yeah, don't you believe?

Yeah, don't you believe...?

The one thing she didn't think about was that she still might woke someone up. And that someone was Sportacus. He heard it up in his airship! While she sang, he woke up and wondered what it was.

He got up from his bed and went to his door.

"Door!" he called and the airship's door opened.

He walked on the door, which turned into a platform, and took out his telescope. He looked closer and saw that it was Riley singing down there.

"What is she doing there at this time of the night?" he thought out loud.

"I should really check this out..." he said worried.

So he went back to airship and climbed down the ladder and ran to her way.

He suddenly jumped next to her, it didn't surprise Riley anymore.

"Hey, Riley!" he said.

"Oh, hey Sportacus." She replied, unimpressed.

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" he asked and sat next to her.

"Um, sitting on the bench..?" she said.

"Riley, can you please be serious? I haven't seen you all week."

"Well, I just wanted to be alone." She confessed, "But I guess it's not gonna happen, am I right?" she looked at him.

"I guess you are." He replied and nodded.

"So what was that song that you sang before I came?" he asked.

"You heard that?" she looked a little surprised.

"Yeah, it actually woke me up." He confessed.

"Oh..." she looked away, realising.

"Yeah... So may I know what that song is?" he asked again.

"N-No..." she said and was about to walk away, but Sportacus pulled her back down by grabbing her arm.

"Come on, now you made me very curious.

"Sigh, fine... It's just a song I wrote today in my personal diary, ok?" she told him.

"Ok." He simply replied.

After a few minutes of silence, Riley said another thing.

"My mother will be coming in two weeks. I'll be moving in with her." She told him.

"That's great." He said and she just nodded.

"Hey, do you mind to sing to me that song again?" he asked and smiled.

She looked at him and smiled too, and sang it again, just for him.

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