Chapter 20

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Ah, the last day of the school year was finally here!

Riley was super-excited. She woke up early to get ready, she didn't want to miss a thing of the last day. She decided to wear the dress that she wore on her first day in town. She loved that dress very much, but didn't have many chances to wear it because it was a little too fancy for school. But today was a special day, so she was allowed to wear it.

She quickly rushed to the kitchen, ate her breakfast and rushed out.

"Have a good day, honey!" her mother called after her.

On her way to school, she met Carolina, Ziggy and Stephanie.

"Good morning, guys!" she greeted them.

"Good morning, Riley!" the little kids greeted back.

"Excited for the last day of school?" Riley asked her three friends.

"Yeah, I guess..." Carolina frowned a little.

"Why's the face?"

"Because all those years I've been trying to have the highest average, which is usually 90 points, but I never got it," Carolina told her friend.

"Oh, don't say that! You're a great student, I'm sure you'll get it this year," Riley tried to cheer her up.



At school, everybody were called to the school auditorium.

"Good morning students," the principal said when came on the stage.

"Good morning, Mr. Peters," the students said in union.

"Well, as you know, it's the last day of school, and later you will all go back to your classes to get you last report cards for this school year. But before that, me and the school staff would like to say some words," Mr. Peters said and almost each of the teachers made a speech.

And after a long hour of speeches, the students were released to their class.

At Mrs. Stewart's classroom, the students were getting ready for the worst – their report cards. Well, it wasn't actually the worst, since most of them got an average of 80, but Riley and Carolina got the highest average of all – 92!

"Oh my god! And average of 92!" Carolina exclaimed.

"I know! It's amazing!" Riley added.

"Good job girls. I'm very proud of you two," Mrs. Stewart smiled at them.


And school was officially over!

All the children of all ages rushed outside with joy!

Sportacus, Riley, Nathan and Carolina sat together in Lazy Park and talked about their plans for the summer vacation.

"I think that as always I will be spending 2 weeks of vacation in Miami with my family. How about you guys?" Nathan said.

"One week for Toronto, to visit our family, and then 3 months on the beach," Carolina laughed.

"How about you, Riley?" Sportacus asked.

"Actually, Robbie and I were invited for a month to our uncle who lives in Spain," she told them.

"What?! That's so awesome!" Carolina exclaimed.

"Have you been there before?" Nathan asked.

"Once, when I was five," she said.

"That's so cool!" Sportacus said.

"Don't worry guys, I'll bring you back some souvenirs," she laughed.

The End.

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