Chapter 11

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It was now only 2 weeks until the new school year starts in LazyTown. Everyone were very excited to go back to school – except for Riley, of course.

"I really don't want this summer to over!" She growled.

"Oh, come on! It won't be that bad now, and you'll meet new people." Rachel said from the kitchen.

"You don't know me, do you?" Riley glared at her as she sat up on the couch.

"I met this Amanda first and now she's going to ruin my school year. Don't you get it? It's going to be nightmare!" she growled and lied once again on the couch.


Meanwhile, Amanda's gang hung out in the smoothie shop.

"So, school is about to start in two weeks. Have you thought what you're going to wear on the first day, Chelsea?" Amanda asked her friend and took a sip from her smoothie.

"Actually, I did. Do you remember that cute short top with fairy on it? So I thought to wear this and my black short jeans." Chelsea told her proudly.

"Oh, that'd be so great on you! You know, I-" Amanda was about to say when some laughter interrupted her.

The whole gang turned to see who annoyed them and they weren't surprise. The laughter was coming from Carolina and Nathan. Amanda just hated them. She was popular because of her look and her attitude to everyone, but they were popular just for being nice to everyone and good students. That annoyed her so much.

"Oh, look, here are Smurfette and Brainy Smurf." Amanda said sarcastically.

"Wait, I thought you wanted Nathan." Arnold, her brother, looked at her strangely.

"Yeah, but then the hate got over the love."

"Well, if you don't take him, then I will!" Chelsea said, checking every angle of his body.

"If you're going for Nathan then I'll go for Carolina. She looks great!" Richard added.

Amanda just rolled her eyes and went to Nathan and Carolina's way.

"Hi, guys!" she stepped in front of them and did her best to smile.

"Bye, Amanda!" Carolina said and the two took a step forward.

"Hey, just wanted to know if you guys are ready for the new school year!" She said in the most cheery voice she could.

"Uh, yeah, we guess. Now bah-bye!" Carolina pushed Nathan to the counter, but Amanda followed them.

"Wait, guys-" She began to say.

"Amanda, if this another chance to pick on me, I'm telling you once again – NEVER going to HAPPEN. Ok? Now leave us alone." Nathan told her straight to her face.

"Fine." She replied and left back to her table.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Carolina looked at him shocked.

"I don't know. Maybe it's the hit." He said and they both laughed.

They made their orders and went to sit in their own table.

"Speaking of Amanda and the new school year, did you hear about the new girl?" Carolina asked him.

"Oh, yeah, I heard something that Amanda rumoured that she's Robbie Rotten's little sister or something like that." He chuckled.

"It's actually true. I asked my little brother if he knows something about it, and he told me that it's true, and that she's hanging a lot with Sportacus." She told him.

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