Chapter 13

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In the end of the first day of school, Rachel and Riley sat together for dinner.

"I would ask how your first day at school was, but I met your two new friends, so I assume it went very well." Rachel laughed.

"It wasn't just 'well', it was really great! I met Carolina and Nathan, I got to see Amanda getting a detention on the first day for trying to make fun of me in class, AND I got phone numbers from students from the 10th grade." Riley told her mother in a victorious smile.

"Really! That's a real progress here!" Rachel excitedly said.

"So how was your first day as a 4th grade teacher?" Riley asked.

"Very well. They loved me, and I just love them. Also, I think I know who's going to be the star of my class this year." Rachel proudly said.

"Really? Who is it?"

"Her name is Stephanie Meanswell, and she really is smart! You know, she's the mayor niece, and she's all in pink..."

"Yes, I know who she is. But don't let it effect on the other students, they might hate her for that." Riley told her mother.

"Oh, I know, I know. They all very sweet."


At the same time, Nathan and Carolina were texting before they go to bed.

Carolina: "So, Nat... I saw the way you looked at the new girl today!"

Nathan: "What are you talking about? *embarrassed emoji*"

Carolina: "Come on, you were looking at her the same way the 10th graders looked at her. And they even gave her their phone numbers! *laughing emoji*"

Nathan: "I barely know her yet, so just shut up."

Carolina: "What? You don't believe in love in first sight?"

Nathan: "You know what? The Fall Ball is next month. If I like her till then, I'll ask her out. If not, then you'll be my date AND make my homework for a week."

Carolina: "Deal. But one more thing – if you will ask her out for the ball, you will also have to make my homework for a MONTH. Ha!"

Nathan: "Alright then. It's a deal."

Carolina: "Well, Ziggy just came and said he could hear the typing sound until his room. I guess that's my cue to go to bed."

Nathan: "Kay, good night."

Carolina: "Night"


In the next morning, Riley couldn't wait to go to school. She had new friends and she LOVED it! She rushed to the door right at 7:30, when her mother stopped her.

"Um, Riley? Where are you going? You need to eat you breakfast. You know how much is important, especially to you." Clarice told her. Riley sighed and sat down to eat.

"What is your rush anyway?"

"Mom, to remind you, I made new nice friends, so excuse me if I don't want to miss a second with them." She said as she took a bite from her pancake.

"Yes, but the school is like 10 minutes away from you and it's still early, and I don't think that anybody else besides you will be there in 7:40!" Clarice laughed.

"I know... But it's exciting to me!" Riley smiled, and her mother was delighted to see her daughter that happy about her new friends. She was like a little girl in the kindergarten making friends for the first time.

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