Chapter 1[Was Once Friends...Now...]

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Dear Kim Yoosung,
We are greatful to inform you that you have successfully selected to be enrolled into Sky University.

"Yes!! OMG! I got in!..." throws hands in the air tossing the papers up. He leans back with his hands behind his head and glanced out the window and sighed.

I never thought I would be accepted...ever since Saeyoung left and Saeran disappeared, i stopped doing my work and nearly failed my entry I'm going to college.

Staring at the junior photo of everyone, including Saeran. Yoosung sighed and got up putting the photo face down and got up from his gamer chair heading to his refrigerator. Opening it, he looks to see what was there to eat, then glances at the carton of chocolate milk. "Saeyoung...". Gripping his shirt over his heart, he looked away in pain. He missed him. He missed the way he joked with him, his goofy smile and his obsessive cross-dressing habit. "Saeyoung..heh...I miss you..." Yoosung says to himself standing up wiping his tears away using his hoodie sleeve.

His phone went off on vibration on his bed. Hearing it he trotted to his bed and scooped it up flopping on the bed. His hair flopped in his face as he peered on the screen. "Unknown number?...should i answer it?...". The buzzing stopped and the Kim boy shrugged, "not my problem..."turning on his back and resting his hands behind his head resting his eyes.

'Sleep...I need to sleep for a little....bit...'....Buzzzzz.....buzzzz....buzzzz... Groaning with a frown, he turned on his left side, away from his phone and plopped his pillow over his head.

The buzzing stopped,and the blonde sighed in relief slowly drifting to sleep. 'Finally...'. Buzzzz....buzzz....buzzzz....

"Oh fuck me..!",shouting his grabs his phone looking at the screen with 'Unknown' across it in bold letters. Aggravated, he swiped right; "Who is this?..", waiting for a reply, the person on the other line breathe heavily then spoke with a groggy shaky voice. "Kim...that you?", grunting, Yoosung's eyes widened, his mouth a gap. "S-saeran?! Omg, what the fuck dude! Where have you been?! First you drop out of school and then you disappear for years!!?". Yoosung was furious as gave the Choi boy an ear full.

" hurts", "huh? What hurts? Saeran?! Where are you?!"grabbing his shoes, and house keys, he bolts out the door locking it. "I'm....I'm at the train station...downtown". After leaving that small detail, the phone disconnects. "Shit!". Yoo runs out of him apartment to the nearest train station.

Wheezing, he enters the train and holds onto the poles riding the train downtown. Tapping his foot with anticipation, it made him anxious and cursed on how slow the train was moving even though it was a bullet train. 'Damn it Saeran, what did you get yourself into?'.

Next stop, Downtown station. The train automatically says in Korean. "Finally!" nearly pushing people out of his way, he looked around, heart beating fast almost out of his chest. 'Where?... Where?' looking around pacing back and forth to get a view from the busy crowd.

Looking towards the front, he got a glimpse of white. There laid guy in a leather jacket with a red muscle shirt and jeans. Shaking his head, he walked away and takes out his phone. Hitting the redial button, he waits for an answer. [ Haliee Steinfield, Grey-Starving] played, it caught his attention and slowly turned to where the white haired guy laid face down. "Saeran?!". Running to him and turning him on his back in his arms.

" smell like a bar! Hey, wake up!", slightly shaking him, the choi boy groaned softly in his arms. Letting out a sigh of relief, he took his body and holds him over his shoulder. "Gah, you're heavier then you look!... Well, come on...". Standing up, he walked out of the train station and to a local hotel to let the boy rest.
'I can't leave him here..and he's too heavy to take back smelling like that' sighing, looking down at the male in front of him observing his sudden change. His dyed white hair with powder pink tips. Heavy black eyeliner and his sudden tattoo. "Saeran...what happened to you?", slightly brushing his bangs away from his face, his eyes watered from the heavy booze smell.

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