Chapter 5 [You've Got Blackmail!]

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Nervously tapping his foot, Yoosung sat in class with a bitter taste in his mouth. "Mr. Kim! Please calm yourself, i know the first days are rough but please stop your noise". The professor asked peeping from over his shoulder with a stern look, "s-sorry professor", rubbing the back of his head nervously, he looks down. 'Damn you Saeran! I can't focus!'. Putting his head down on the table and silently sighs.

Buzz Buzz... His pocket vibrates as he quickly goes in it and sneaks a peek; Skip class. Let's meet in the park downtown-Saeran
His eye twitching reading the message over, 'is he for real? He's going to get me in trouble!'. With his eye twitching, another text comes in; I mean now. Move that pretty ass.

"U-um, Mr Han? C-can i go to the nurse? I feel like i might faint...". Turning around, he glances at the boy "'ll be missing important info...but carry on". Yoosung gathered his books and walks out with eyes on him.

Waiting against a tree under shade, smoking a cigarette the cold air and smoke mix. Saeran wearing a grey and black striped scarf around his neck flowing in the breeze. "Today is gonna be perfect~" he says looking in the white cloudy sky. "Saeran!!", looking towards the yell, the twin smiles and puts the smoke stick out on the tree trunk. He runs to the blonde happy and hugs him. "Yoosung~","get the fuck off of me! You can't just ca-..!!!". Shutting him up with a kiss making him look up at him. ", will be special, i promise~ so if you try to run...", holds up the picture of the blonde with his legs open and cum flowing through his boy pussy beside the dumpster.

"Y-you ..ugh!!" balls his shaky fists and sighs. "Good boy"he wraps his scarf around his neck sharing it, "i don't want you to get cold". Taking his hand they walk through the park side by side. The blonde was annoyed but his face was flushed from the cold.

"Why are we here? " he says and Saeran stopped "I'll get us some hot coffee across the street. Sitting him down on the bench, he trots across the street. "Damn it!....". Yoo sets his bag down on the ground and leans on the back of the bench. He closed his eyes letting out a heavy sigh. "Looks like you need some company",hearing a smirk a tall man with a half shaved hair cut with a tattoo of a mint colored eye on his left side. One eye was gold and the other was brown. He looked like a good looking thug. "N-no, i-I'm not. I'm waiting for someone.."gulping he shook with nervousness. The guy sat beside him with his arm behind his head "you don't need to tell me a lie to get rid of me, i won't bit ya". Kisses his hand and looks at him with hungry eyes. "I-I'm not! I'm telling the truth ahh". The guy runs his finger down his jaw and kissed his neck. "You smell good, I'll be good to you~".

"Thank you",holding two large cups of coffee, Saeran walks out the store and stops. Glancing across the way, he sees Yoosung struggling in a man's grasp. Walking the cross walk on a green light,cars swerve and honk their horns pissed. "Ahh stop it...Saeran!" pushing his face, the young man runs behind the twin.

"....shit...i thought you were dead". The man stood with his hand in pocket. Saeran still staring at him, he turns his back to him. "Oi. Don't turn your back to me!" he grinds his teeth. Ignoring him, he smiles to his lover,"I have your coffee, extra chocolate with whip cream and caramel. I bought you a muffin too~"kissing his lips. "Hey! Hey look at me when I'm talking to you asshole!" grabbing his shoulder and yanks him from the boy, the Choi boy turns splashing his coffee in his face. "AGGGHH YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" screaming holding his face from the scolding, Saeran head butts the guy in the nose and bringing his fist into his throat. Coughing and gagging, he held his bloody nose as Saeran pulled out his Colt 1911. "Saeran!" Yoo backed away a bit shocked.

"Taewoon, you always were good at taking shit that didn't belong to you. I know you love dick, so why don't i give you something to suck". Pushing his gun to his lips and into his mouth. "You know how fucking crazy i am. I'll shoot my load down your throat and watch you bleed out". He pulled his jacket down showing his tattoo on his right shoulder. "Don't forget I'm still your fucking leader". "You're only our leader because our old leader left the position to you!". Yoosung stood there holding the hot coffee and muffin trying to process the information. "You're in a gang?! What the hell Saeran?!". The guy looked at the boy and smirked "you should run while you can. He'll use you and abuse with someone who can really pleasure you. And i bet you taste so sweet". The twin looked at him and shoots his leg. He hoovered over him and hits his head with her end of his gun. The loud hitting and beating rings in his ears putting the Kim boy in fear. "Stop!! Stop it Saeran!!". Stomping on his legs, the man screams in pain sending Saeran in a dark place of his insanity.

Throws the cup aside and the package,he grabs the bloody gun and hugs his back. "Saeran!! Please stop!...Please...". Looking back at the boy shaking with tears, he slowly dropped his hands.

"Shall i kill him for touching you?", "no! You're not killing anyone!! Let's just go....take me from here..". Tugging the twin away they walk off leaving the injured man to fend for himself.

Saeyoung calls up Yoosung as class ends. "This person can not be reached at the moment, please leave a message after the tone". Hanging up, he calls again waiting. "This person can not be re-..*beep*". "Yoo why aren't you answering your phone?". Putting the phone away he walks through the school asking if the students have seen him. Worries he calls Yoosung again, "*click*..", "Y-Yoosung?! I..." Saeyoung speaks loudly. "This person can not he reached st the moment...". Standing there as all sound drains from him,his red bangs covers his glasses that brought a glare from the hall lights.

*beep* "Hey Yoosung, call me when you get this...I'm freaking out that you disappeared without telling Please baby,call me".

"Hngh.....i need to call..", touch that and I'll bite.."sucking his neck on the train he holds Yoosung from behind cuddling. "Shit...he's calling me...","answer it!". Sighing he picks up;


"Have you seen Yoosung?!"

"Yeah...we went for s bite to eat..."

"Thank god. I thought something happened..let me speak to him.."

Saeran smirked and pushed him onto the door as the train was crowded and hands him the phone while taking his cock out. "H-hello?...I'm sorry, yeah i should be warned you...maybe i can make it up to you tonight?".

Saeran yanks Yoo's pants down and spreads his ass. The blonde turns red and shook his head to the twin as he looked over his shoulder against the door. Saeran pushed inside him dryly and bit his lip. "Maybe...we can go out and have dinner?....You ok? You sound in pain". Saeyoung was concerned walking to his car. "N-no I'm fine". Squeezed his eyes shut tight holding into the door for dear life. He was on his tippy toes as Choi thrusted in him covering their lower half with his large coat around them both. His balls slapping his own and the nectar from his ass lube it up and makes the thrusting more easy. Saeran huffs in the blondes free ear and kissed his neck.

"Nn! S-Saeyoung...", the train stopped and they get off. The coat still covering their bodies, they go into the station stalls.  And the white haired boy slams into him. "NGH!! Ahh!".


"S-Saeyoung...your making me hard. C-can we? Over the phone?" Yoosung bouncing back and forth with Saeran's thrusting. He strokes his cock gently.

" can't wait to see you and bite you all over, you're so cute when you squirm,heh", "don't tease me~ngh ahh" stroking faster, the brother pounds harder leaning forward.

"You may picture my brother but his isn't the cock that's making you scream right now, is it?"
whispering in his ear. Saeyoung rubbed his crotch as he drives from the school. He bites his lip and groans. Slamming into his tight little ass, he grabs his cheeks ready to cover them in his cum.

"I'm cumming...ahh...ngh... Saeyoung~", 'Saeran....Saeran.  Saeran!!' thinking in his mind ad he says another name, he cums into his hand and gets filled by the twin.

Saeyoung bit his bottom lip hard "hey Yoosung. You're gonna pay for what you just did to me..heheh". Hanging up, Yoosung hung his head in shame then heard a snap. "That ass is world wide camera worthy", "Saeran!!" trying to grab the phone, he gets pinned on the stall door. His leg over his right shoulder with his tattoo. "I'm not done. So shut up and give me a smile".


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