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I'm The tears that I kept in. Fell. I let them stream. They don't love you. For the real you. You can't do this to yourself. I can't do this to myself. I call Jack. The one person I can.
It rings 3 times.
"Yellow." His normal voice. His beautiful voice that made me feel at home.
"Hi Jack." I say back.
"Yoooo Dan dude, what's up?" He obviously is smiling.
"Can I come over." My voice breaks while saying. A warning of tears.
"Sure, yea yea." He says in a more calming voice.
"Thanks. I'll be over in 5." I say and hang up.
"Okay." I hear them loudly say but not really yell.
I pick up my school bag and my phone. I run down the stairs and hug my parents. "Love you guys." I say as I'm on my way out the door.
"Love you too Milly." They say at the same time.
Not if you really knew who I was. I think and close my eyes. I go to the subway and catch the next train that comes. Sitting with my bag on my lap and phone is pocket, I'm on my way to my real home. A place where I'm safe.

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