Chapter 16: "New Year, Same Us"

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Ah... Domestic life

A time of luxury, peace, and love that resonates throughout the entire area in which you and your significant other inhabit.

"Zane get your ass over here! You're going to the gym with me and that's final!"
"Over my dead body!"
"That can be arranged dear."

And getting on your Fiancé's nerves.

For the new year, I decided there needed to be an actual change.

Not this one day magic shit, but an actual scheduled change that happens. Lives go somewhere else for the week you have off from work and a permanent activity must be set. There was money involved, times placed, and a calendar full of dates to go to this damn gym next to my current job.

Zane wasn't having that.

"You eat nothing but sweets. You're gonna pass before 30."
"Honestly that's more preferable then going to your dumb idea of a resolution."
"Zane! I'm serious. Look-"

I pulled out a pamphlet along with a keychain and a letter from Zianna.

"So my mother set you up?"
"Both our mothers."

I held up another envelope with my mother's name on it. Zane held his face, sighing loudly. I could feel the murder in his eye.

"We're adults. Why do we have to listen to our parents?"
"They're always watching."

Glancing out my window, I felt a chill down my spine. Zane acknowledged my pain, and took both papers from my hand. Folding them in his palms, he stared at me with the most deadpan look, it would marvel any character in the book I'm reading.

"I'll go for a week. Then you refund the membership and bury my dead body. Preferably in the cemetery next to my dad's company."
"What music do you want to be played at your funeral?"
"My Chemical Romance. And have Garroth carry me into my grave so he can let me down one last time."

I replied, holding in my giggles.

I love how we just joke about death, honestly best thing about living with him.

"Yay! The appointment is in an hour."
"Wait what?! What if I didn't agree?"
"I would have found other ways."
"Sometimes you amaze me, other times I think you're more evil then me."

We exchanged evil laughter before he walked to our room to get changed.


I sighed, looking over the pamphlet and folding it into an airplane.

"At least there's a smoothie bar."


I walked into the gym, glancing between the sweaty men who picked up incredible weights the size of their heads, and the women running faster than sonic on the treadmills.

And watched as Zane instantly walked out.


I hissed, grabbing him by the shirt and dragging his sorry ass back into the building.

"Y/n, honey, I'll get you anything you could ever want. Just don't make me do this!"
"What if I want you to do this."
"Choose another thing?"
"We're going to the damn class you big weenie. Stop whining."

I huffed, pulling my towel over my head and leading him into the classroom. There was a black haired man in-


Rather tight shorts....

Doing the splits in the middle of the room. He had a happy face on him, twisting to the left and right like some kind of contortionist. His red shirt signified that he was a coach. He greeted us fondly, standing up from his obscene position to shake our hands with his sweaty ones. I wiped my palm on my pants before exchanging a fake smile with him.

"Glad to meet you! I'm Cedric. You're Y/n and Zane, correct? I have you scheduled for my 2:30 stretching class? Right this way!!"

With no hesitation, he sat us down on yoga mats, threw- no -bASKETBALL SHOT OUR BAGS INTO THE MIRROR, and waited patiently for us to calm the heck down while everyone else walked in.

Apparently, we were the only new people in the class of 10.

Swear to god if he broke my phone that's a lawsuit Mr. Short shorts.

"Alright. Let's start! First, take your left leg and bring it to the front. Reach for it like you're reaching for your dreams! Reach as hard as you can!!"

He shouted enthusiastically.

I rolled my eyes, got into position, and felt all the bones in my body crack simultaneously.

Fuck this was a bad idea

I thought, quickly motioning to Zane to get out.

Unfortunately we couldn't leave so soon.

"Now! Pull the other leg downward into a split! You should be on fire like your dreams after you grab them and achieve them!"

Your analogies are kinda fucking dumb

Without hesitating, I ignored his statements and sat on the mat until he told us what to do next.

"Now! Reach up to the sky and fly like an airplane! Spiritually connect yourself with the air around you. Feel the open breeze coming through the window"

So that's why it's so cold in here.

"It's snowing outside Mr. Cedric."

Someone commented, covering their bare arms with their jacket.

"The cold never bothered anyone!"
"Hypothermia begs to differ."

I mumbled, running out of patience for this weirdo gym rat.

Enough is enough. I'm sore, tired, and this was a shitty idea to begin with.

Zane and I excused ourselves to the bathroom and sat by the smoothie bar.

"Never again."
"You think?"

We both asked, chugging down (flavor) smoothies whilst coughing up our lungs. 

"I would rather die then go back in there. Let's just use the treadmills and go home. I want cake."
"I don't ever want to eat cake ever again."

I was astonished that Zane neglected sweets

"If this is what I get for eating sugar then that's out of my diet. I don't want to die of cardiac arrest Y/n."
"Okay okay this was a bad idea to begin with. It's fine and you won't fall into a coma. Let's go home."

I should really think before I take money from people


Admin Time!!


This is my favorite chapter holy fuck

"Swear to god if he broke my phone that's a lawsuit Mr. Short shorts."

Favorite quote

I love writing just domestic headcannon things.

If you have an idea comment it here! Maybe I'll feature it in an upcoming chapter

Thanks for Reading :)

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