Chapter 19: "Wedding Planners"

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It was a quiet Tuesday night. I was sitting in Katelyn and Kawaii Chan's living room playing Just Dance. I had won the round previously with (song).

They chose "Single Ladies" since KC just broke up with Damien. I sat back and watched them dance, when suddenly I noticed that the entire window that overlooked the living room was covered in snow. I blinked, stepping closer to the glass and knocking on it. I heard a pile of snow fall forward from the roof, cementing the white blanket in place.

I made it worse oh no

"Uh.. KC, Katelyn, we have a problem."

I pointed to the dilemma. They stared at the window in horror, Katelyn throwing a potted plant at it, only for it to rebound and break instantly. I watched the shattered glass pile on the floor, and went to go get a trash bag.

"My plant!"
"Shove it Phil, this is serious."

Katelyn yelled at KC, crossing her arms over her chest as she began to punch the window. Her fists turned red, so she raced up to get her gloves and continued punching.

At this point I was afraid that she would break the window.

"It's no use Katelyn, I'll call Zane."
"Dude, it's like 1 am. No way he'll be awake."
"Wait for it."

I opened my phone, dialed the number and it was instantly picked up. A sleepy voice cracked in the middle of most words he spoke.

"We're snowed in. Tomorrow morning bring all the hair dryers you can find around the house. I have like 4."

He hung up, leaving me with my phone in hand as I looked at them both. They looked at me with a grin so evil, I swear they stole it from him.



"Truth or dare"
"Name one thing you hated about Damien."
"He would never let me talk about my favorite sweets. It really bugged me. All he would talk about was cars and stuff I don't get."
"Watch The Grand Tour."

Katelyn and KC took this opportunity to rant about their past relationships with the truth or dare tactic. I added in my satire every few minutes on behalf of my non-singleness.

Where has this happened before?

Oh right

Fuck this game

"So y/n, truth or dare."
"Truth, since dares are dumb."
"Tell is about that ring on your finger."

I froze when she said that, staring down at the ring.

I haven't exactly told anyone I'm getting married now have I?

"Um well-"
"Spit it out!!"

KC hushed, hugging my shoulder tightly. The grip made me lose all feeling in my arm. I felt the blood rushing to my head.

"Alright! Zane and I got engaged in December. We don't know when the wedding will be, but- it was supposed to be secret until we came up with a date."

They both shrieked louder than any girl at a concert, tackling me to the ground and hugging me so close, my internal organs felt squished. I laughed sheepishly at their reaction, holding in my confused nature as they celebrated.

"Y/n! Have you decided on a theme?"
"Or party favors?"
"Or dresses?"
"Or cake ideas? Or cookies?"
"Uh.... no. We didn't really think it through."

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