What am i even talking about?

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Well anyways for you Lady Deadpool fans of me ( hehe ) I wanted to write one more chapter before I go to my Beauty ( more like rolling around uncomfortably ) sleep and then start my mercenary day over again!

I'm probaly going to visit Spidey tomorrow and make Mary Jane mad!!

Ahaha I'm so evil.

" Yes you are "

Why thank you voice. The first thing you said that I didn't have to shut you up for. Or was that the second. Math really isn't my thing if you haven't noticed.

I'm also thinking of going to My male deadpools house and teepee it. Mwahahahahahahah. Life is great sometimes.

So I talked to some people. Like X-23. Me and her are like BFFs we are so going to go prank wolverine by setting his motorcycle on fire and then put a photo of him with a pink mustache on TV so the whole world sees.

Deadpool if you are reading this JOIN THE FIGHT OF PRANKING WOLVERINE or the furry midgit as you call him. I think he is more like a cat.

But yeah I'm watching YouTube right now. I can't stop thinking of how stupid my game was because I really wasn't in there but my other side was. It's complicated to explain.

So I visited Tony Stark or iron man. I took one of his suits out for a test drive. I only borrowed it.

" Correction! Stole it "

I didn't ask you voice. I landed it on the junkyard site. It was in perfect condition.

" Another correction. You crashed it into the hulks cave making him angry and he chased after you then the suit ran out of power and it fell in a junkyard and was turned into scrap. "

SHUTUP. Tony doesn't know that yet! Why do you have to give away all my secrets?!

" It's like my job"

I don't remember hiring you and if I did your fired so stay quiet before I shoot myself again.

I think I'm going to get some sleep right now. Maybe dream about being on a beach with Spider-Man or Dante'.

Ahhhh sweet sweet imagination.

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