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Mack's pov

"If you turn to page 316, you'll find activity six, activity seven and on the next page you'll find activity eight, I want it all done by tomorrow, no excuses, you have time to start in class so I suggest you start now"

I glared at Mrs Celeste, did she think we were all robots who enjoyed doing so much math homework.

"Does she know we have lives?" I muttered under my breath

The whole class busted into hushed laughs and whispers. My best friend Lucas fist pumped me and some of the other guys patted me on the back.

"Is there something you'd like to say Mr Keach" I heard Mrs Celeste say from the front of the class, she took off her glasses and looked me straight in the eye.

"Nothing important mam" I smiled at her

"I hope so" she concluded and continued with her own work.

I turned around in my seat and found Lucas laughing in his seat, I watched as he tried to not laugh too hard.

"This lady is fucking insane, i have no idea how the hell your passing math" Peter spoke up while leaning on his chair.

"Haven't you heard, Mack here isn't from this planet, he was just adopted" Josh patted me on the back

"I swear he takes math drugs, who the fuck gets a ninety-eight average for math in the eleventh grade" Peter continued.

"Peter shut up or better yet go wash your mouth with soap, Josh for the fifth time I'm completely human, is it so hard to believe that math is just that easy" I looked at my best friend silently begging him to back me up.

"Sorry dude but your just insane, you hate Mrs Celeste but yet you're the highest in her class" he raised his hands in the air.

"Can we please change the subject, it gets kind of tiring hearing how awesome i am... guess who's hosting the party this week" I looked at the group waiting for them to guess, it was kind of obvious but i still asked.

"Is it Meela"



I stared at all my friends with a bored expression, "You guys are just ridiculous, just for that you're not invited, you can get in some other way" I crossed my arms feeling triumphant.

"We're just fucking around man, your hosting and we'll be there" Peter cheered.

I would never understand his constant need to swear unnecessarily.

"It's gonna be lit, parties at your house are always off the roof, literally" Lucas exclaimed.

"Don't remind me, I was grounded for a whole week after that incident, who's idea was it anyways to light fireworks inside the house, if I remember correctly it was your idea" I pointed accusingly at Lucas.

He laughed scratching the back of his head,

"Guilty as charge but honestly speaking wasn't sleeping looking at the stars the best" he lifted his eyebrows

"Yeah like you can even remember what the stars looked like that night, you were drunk off your ass" Josh commented.

"Couldn't you just let me have that one Joshua'' Lucas whined using Josh's full name.

''I hope you boys won't mind doing activity nine since you seem to be done with the homework" Mrs Celeste interrupted

"We would actually mind, you see we all are going to be very busy this afternoon and I honestly believe that the amount of homework you gave us is enough, we do have other things to do, with all due respect" I quickly added the last part,

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