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MJ, stop making me rage, or the DJ monster might come out and beat the crud out of you like last time. MUHAHA!!!! Also, 71 flippen reads! I can't update fast enough for you! Slow down! *hides in corner and writes like crazy*


Gage's POV

Brice warned me about school, but yeash. It wasn't that bad at first. I had gone to my classes and eaten lunch in silence. Then I went to my math class. Nobody was there, I had left lunch early, wanting to finish my homework early and go with Danny to the fair. She was already going with Jaclyn and Nate, and they treated me like family, so I had no problem. Nate even said I might have a shot at Danny, if half the kids in the grade didn't have a crush on her. I punched him for that.

My sun glasses were my life line. They hid my steely sliver eyes from the world. "Hey, Gage, let me help you see!" Some kid said while one kicked me in the stomach and another ripped my glasses from my face a smashed them. My eyes glowed and my hands heated up. 'No! Not here!' I thought frantically. "Listen up and listen good. Danny is mine." Only one voice could make that voice, James and his 'friends'. Groan. A small trickle of crimson blood comes out of my mouth as James nails a kick in my stomach and a punch to my mouth. I was pissed, and i felt my other side gnawing to come out. I bit it back, sure that if i released all the chaotic energy, they would die. I just froze them in time instead, wiping their memories and grabbing my glasses. I then turned them around and his in the corner of class, fighting the urge to cry.

Once I was sure James and his gang was gone, I staggered as best as I could towards my dorm. Danny was sitting over a scroll when I walked in. Instantly I found myself in her embrace, crying like a little kid. "Hey, Gage, can you can me what happened?" Danny said softly in my ear, gently lifting me up and taking me to my room. I stumbled on my words, but she said she knew anyways. The orange walls if my room make me feel a little better. "Do you still want to go to the fair? I don't mind not going." Danny asked from the doorway. I nodded my head frantically, i really wanted to go.

I woke up with a small tingling sensation on where I had been hit. I knew only one way that I could feel fine and hear myself think. Void Magic. Nobody can use it, except for the ruler of the end and some endermen. Wait, could Danny be from the end? I drifted off into a silent sleep before I could answer my question.

Danny's POV

The magic I used to heal Gage took a lot of my energy, saying that I was really far from any thing from the End realm. It was weird, healing someone I barely knew. Even if he finds out what mob I am, I don't care, saying he's just like me. Kana, I really wonder if she cares for him, or his insane side. The way he reacted to my touch, him and his other side don't agree on anything. The two are always fighting over who takes control of the body.

"Danny! You ready for the fair?" Nate's familiar voice rang through the halls, waking Gage up.

"Yeah, just give me a minute!" I yelled back.

I dragged Gage put of bed, made him get dressed, eat, and get out of the dorm and to the fair. Let me say this, bowling, cotton candy, and a little revenge. It felt good.

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