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Sofia didn't mean to blow up the stables. She liked horses dammit. She was an animal lover. Had volunteered with WWF in 2011. Had been one third vegetarian since 2012. If Fia's stupid fiance/cousin hadn't tried to put his chubby hands down her shirt, this probably wouldn't have happened. 

Her home-made bomb recipe was supposed to be a small controlled explosion inside the abandoned wheat godown; the resulting confusion would have given her the window of escape she needed. 

Instead, she had wasted valuable time, nearly taking Faddy's eyes out for ambushing her in the stables on her way to the godown. Maybe the assault might have stung less if he hadn't been such an utter pig about it. 

"Tayajee (Uncle) told me to remind you that I'm your man. I am in charge. You think I want you? Sofia Thulli (Fatty)? Your ass is bigger than Rutti's (family cow)! At least she gives us milk and meat. What use are you? Always trying to outsmart me with your jokes and big words," he maliciously twisted her hair, snapping her bra against the soft flesh of her back.

Injury. Meet insult. 

Fia was aware that she was on the wrong side of size 12, but even by Faddy's standards, this unprovoked attack was crass. Tayajee had probably told him off for playing on his Playstation too much, and he was now returning the favor by being the less than affectionate fiance that he was always destined to be. To think that she had bought chocolates for him once upon a time... 

"Funny, that you have to touch me, to remember that you have testicles, Faddy. Did they fall off because you mistook them for Joysticks again? You know what they say about 'playing with yourself' too much?" She quipped back as if they were exchanging pleasantries. 

Faddy's face turned red as he spluttered, trying to think of a response. When his wit failed him, he turned to his hands for help. A gasp of pain escaped Fia when he twisted her arm, and she dug her nails into his wrist, trying to keep it from reaching the concealed pouch of tools tied to her waist. Faddy screamed like a sacrificial goat when her nails drew blood, thankfully pushing her away from him. 

How's that for feeling like a man, cousin? 

 "No more smart mouthing when you're my wife, Sofia. I mean it. One loose tongued jibe and you'll be sent to Makran, to live with Crazy Kaali Maasi (Aunt)," he panted from the doorway of the stables, clutching his injured wrist to his chest. "And cut your nails! Are you an animal? Fucking broke my skin..." 

Fia tsked dramatically. 

"Want me to bandage that for you?" she pouted sympathetically and made a move towards him, brandishing her long-unfiled nails like a claw. Faddy nearly stumbled in his hurry to get away from her. 

"Keep the hell away from me, Fia. I mean it!" he screeched, storming out and locking her inside the stables on his way out. 

"Oh. How will I ever manage that?" she remarked dryly to herself. 

She had been a pretty passive person her entire life. Being raised by a real-life hippie mother probably had something to do with it. Conflicts were supposed to be expressed civilly, candidly; not physically. Animal tested products, were boycotted. Vegan diets were tried. Violent sports were banned from the TV. Extra-curriculars involved marching in anti-war protests and adopting abandoned puppies. 

"If you could see me right now, Mum," she chuckled in spite of the horrific situation.

Sofia's parents had met, fallen in love, and married in Europe in the early 80's. Before they ever met, Annalise Renee DuVere had been a pretty, vivacious Canadian BA student in her 20's; staunch supporter of the hippie movement, touring with ABBA; plenty of tie-dyed shirts, peace protests, and recreational drugs. Sofia rather thought that her father had been like a psychedelic drug to her too; fun, exciting, exotic, forbidden. Also easily worn off. 

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