Chapter 3

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"I'm not riding on some rickety, old, sleigh—" Jack said to North, but cut himself off as the sleigh went out of the doors. He looked at it with amazement. Sandy went on and sat down.

"Okay, one ride, but that's it." He said as he hopped onto the sleigh.

"This is so cool! I've never seen anything like it! Oh my gosh are we going to go outside? I've always dreamed to go outdoors—" Rapunzel rambled on. Hiccup cut her off and put his hand on her shoulder.

"I think we get it." He said to her before going on to the sleigh. She laughed and scratched her head before going on to the sleigh. Merida took a glanced at her hair and then looked at Rapunzel.

"You sure do have a lot of hair on your head, Rapunzel. How are you going to get all of it on the sleigh?" She asked her.

"Just put it on my lap." She said and Merida nodded. She grabbed armfuls of her hair and put it on her lap. After she finished, she hopped on the sleigh. She turned to Elsa and raised an eyebrow at her.

"Are you coming on or what?" She joked and laughed. Elsa nodded eagerly, and went onto the sleigh.

North laughed and went on.

"Everyone loves the sleigh." He laughed and sat at the front, holding the reins. He looked at Bunny and gestured him with his head to go on.

"I think my tunnels are much faster and safer mate." He nervously laughed. North laughed and grabbed him, forcing him to go to the sleigh.

"Buckle up!" North said to them. Bunny looked around, trying to find the seat-belts.

"Where are the bloody seat belts, mate?" He said shakily, gripping onto anything that would keep him on the sleigh.

"That was just expression!" He said, and they took off. Sandy put his hands up in the air, enjoying the ride.

"Eep! I'm going to see the outdoors!" Rapunzel said repeatedly. Merida shook her head and face-palmed. Jack was at the very back of the sleigh, Elsa was holding onto her hair, and Hiccup just relaxed putting his hands behind his head. Bunny, however, was not taking this ride well.

"I hope you like the loop-ti-loops!" North cheered as there was a series of loops nearby. Bunny made a vomiting sound.

"I hope you like carrots." He said as the rest 'ew'ed. Merida playfully hit his paws with her leg.

"Here we go!" North said as they were about to go outside of the workshop. They flew off into the air, and the view was truly amazing. Rapunzel peeked at her left and squealed.

"Oh my gosh! This is the best day ever!" She said hugging her long blonde hair in her arms. The rest just laughed at her reaction.

Jack decided to mess with Bunny, and tapped Hiccup. Considering that he was the only guy in the group who could talk. Sure, North could talk, so could Bunny, but...he was doing the trick on Bunny and North was busy.

"Watch this." He whispered in Hiccup's ear and went to very edge of the back.

"Hey Bunny! You gotta check out this view— whoa!" He said as a gust of wind purposely pushed him back. Bunny let out a shriek and sunk back onto the sleigh. He gripped the handle for his dear immortal life and peeked a little.

Jack was casually sitting on the bottom of the sleigh where the skis were.

"Aw, you do care." He joked, looking at Bunny. Hiccup laughed at Bunny's face. Bunny became angry and started saying things about what he was going to do with Jack. Jack went back onto the sleigh afterwards, ignoring Bunny.

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