Chapter 10

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"Okay, we'll go downstairs and you'll wait here Elsa. Got it?" Jack asked her and she shook her head. She didn't want to stay up in the room knowing there was danger outside.

"No, there's a lot of them! You guys will need help!" She exclaimed, but Jack shook his head.

"We'll be fine. Right, guys?" Jack asked them. They just mumbled and nodded carelessly.

"I'll take that as a yes." Jack said and they ran downstairs before Elsa can protest. She ran after them.

"Wait!" She yelled, and Jack turned back. He gave her an apologetic look and made a big ice barrier from Elsa and the hallway.

She banged her hands against the door.

"Let me out! Please!" She begged Jack. He shook his head and flew downstairs, hitting many guards with his staff.

Elsa kept hitting her hands against the glass. She stopped when she heard a noise behind her. She slowly turned around and saw two guards aiming their crossbows at her.

She ran into another room, the guards close behind. She put her hands in front of her.

"No, please." She begged. One of the guards pulled the trigger and the arrow came in her face. She held her hands up in defense, only to find the arrow frozen inches away from her face.

The guards came on either side of her. She raised an eyebrow and held one up with icicles from the ground. She turned to the other and made a block of ice. She moved it with her powers and it pushed him to the edge of the balcony--him almost falling off.


Hans' sword clinked every time his sword hit Hiccups. When his sword held it Hiccups when he blocked, he moved his elbow to hit him in the chest.

Hiccup held his stomach and knelt down in pain. Hans ran up the stairs with some guards and saw Elsa threatening to push the guard off the edge.

"Queen Elsa! Don't be the monster they fear you are!" He yelled. Elsa slowly stopped and turned to Hans.

The guard that was held up by icicles aimed his crossbow at Elsa. Hans looked at him and then took a quick glance at the chandelier.

He ran to him and aimed the crossbow just when he pulled the trigger. Elsa gasped and looked up at the falling chandelier.

She grabbed her slippers and ran away. She didn't get far.


Everyone stopped as they heard a crash upstairs. The four glanced at each other.

"Elsa." They said in unison. They all knocked out the nearest guards and ran up the stairs. Hans carried Elsa bridal style and looked at the guards.

"Bring her-." He said to them, but stopped himself once he saw the four rushing to the room.

Hans snatched a sword out of one of the guards' hands and put it against Elsa's neck. Jack stopped the guardians and blocked them from getting any closer with his arms.

"Take one step closer and her head will come off." He said. Hiccup shook his head and was about to step closer to Hans and Elsa. Jack pulled his arm back.

"Jack what are you-." He said, but Jack shushed him. Hans raised an eyebrow, confused. Who was Hiccup talking to?

"We don't want any harm..." He trailed off holding his hands up in surrender.

Hans nudged his head to the side, gesturing for them to get out of the way. They hesitantly moved away, and Hans slowly moved towards the exit--the sword still pressed up against Elsa.

He didn't put the sword down until they went outside. He handed one of the guards the sword and went on his horse and held Elsa bridal style.

They rode until they were off the North Mountain and in Arendelle's dungeon, where they held Elsa in a cell.


Merida punched Jack's arm.

"You idiot!" She yelled. He held his arm in pain. For a girl that was a really hard punch.

"What?!" He said annoyed. She rolled her eyes and pointed down the stairs.

"You let them off just like that?" She said and Hiccup nodded.

"Yeah! Why did you do that? Now she's going to die." He said raising his hands up in the air. Jack shook his head.

"No, no she's not. We can go down to Arendelle and-." He said, but Rapunzel cut him off.

"Face it, Jack. None of us can handle this weather, and you don't know how to save a girl." She said. That angered Jack.

"I do to know how to save a girl!" He yelled. Baby Tooth tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at her.

"What?" He said. She pointed at a shadow that was in the corner of the room. He frowned.

"Pitch." He said, and he held up his staff. Rapunzel held up her frying pan, Merida aimed her bow, and Hiccup stood next to Toothless--who was roaming around Arendelle the whole time.

"One, two, three, four. Last time I checked, there were five of you. I wonder what happened to the Snow Queen." He said. Rapunzel's eyes widened and she gripped her frying pan tighter.

"What did you do to her?" She asked. He put his hand on his chest.

"Me? What makes you think I did something?" He asked her in an innocent tone. They stayed silent and glared at him. Pitch rolled his eyes and walked around the room.

"Okay, fine. I did do something. But, it wasn't me who did it." He smirked. He moved his hands in a circular motion and it showed a picture of Elsa on the ground, whimpering.

Hans was behind her raising his sword. Rapunzel gasped and put a hand to her mouth. Tears welled up in her eyes. Pitch made his hands into fists, the image disappearing into nightmare sand.

"Elsa...?" She mumbled. Merida looked at the ground in shock. Hiccup looked away, not wanting to see anymore.

Jack loosened his grip on his staff and fell to his knees.

"Elsa. Is. Dead. Oh, and Jack...I have a little something that you want." Pitch said and evilly laughed. He held out a box that had a picture of Jack by the side.

He walked into the shadows and Jack stood up, angry. He held his staff and ran into the shadow, only to bump into a wall.

Jack banged his fists against the wall.

"Pitch, come back here!" He said. Rapunzel looked at the ground. She walked up to Jack and put her hand on his shoulder.

He banged on the wall one last time before leaning against the wall, defeated. He brought his knees to his chest and dug his head into it.

"She can't be dead, she can't be dead. She's not dead!" He said, fear rising in him. He hated the thought of somebody dying.

"Face it, Jack. She's gone." Rapunzel said as she looked down. Merida shook her head.

"No, she's not." She said, and the three turned to her. She walked out into the balcony and pointed out the window.

The three rushed outside. The snow rose up and started going to Arendelle. Once all of the snow was gathered up together, it formed the shape of a snowflake.

The four smiled wide.

"Elsa." Rapunzel said. Hiccup quickly got on Toothless. Merida slowly went behind him, hesitantly putting her hands on his waist. He rolled his eyes and looked at the two.

"Race you guys there?" He asked with a smirk.

"Sure thing." Jack said, and quickly turned to Rapunzel.

"Okay don't freak out." He said and Rapunzel slowly nodded. He looked out into the distance.

"Hey, Wind! Mind giving me a hand here?!" He yelled. Since Rapunzel still weighed something, Wind had to use a lot of breeze to hold her up.

Hiccup put his hands in front of his face as the wind burned his eyes.

"One, two, three, go!" Jack yelled, and the rest were off. He had to help Rapunzel a little, though.

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