Chapter 8

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"Okay, everyone to the sleigh!" North yelled, pointing his finger up in the air. Rapunzel's head peeked out of the room her and Jack were in a few moments ago. Everyone went on the sleigh--Elsa being last.

"Where are we going?" She asked stepping out of the room. North picked up a snow globe and put it in one of his pockets.

"To Arendelle." He said, and got onto the sleigh. Rapunzel nodded and sat on the sleigh next to Elsa who was holding her head in her hands. Rapunzel rubbed her back, but quickly pulled her hand back as her figure was cold.

North shook the reins and the sleigh soared through the sky. Hiccup followed along soon after, flying on Toothless next to the sleigh.

"You okay, Elsa?" She asked. Elsa took a peek at her before shaking her head and sat up straight.

"I'm fine. It's just that I got mad because my sister was going to marry a guy she just met-." Elsa said and Bunny cut her off.

"Wait a second, you're saying sheila was engaged to a guy she just met?" He said with shock, clutching to the sleigh's handle. Hiccup turned to her.

"On that day?" He asked and Elsa nodded.

"My sister's name is Anna. Anyways, the guy she wanted to marry was the prince of the Southern Isles. Anna and him were asking for my blessing for their marriage. I got shocked and asked her if she knew anything about true love. She nodded her head and said that all I knew was how to shut people out. She grabbed my glove and long story short, my powers were revealed. I wouldn't call it a gift, though. I'd call it a curse." She said and the four gave her a look of sympathy.

Jack patted her back and leaned to the side.

"It'll be okay, snowflake." He said, and Rapunzel wiggled her eyebrows at him. He frowned.

"What?" He asked. Rapunzel just shook her head and looked forward. Jack spaced out.

North pulled out a snow globe. Before he chose his destination, he handed Tooth thick clothing.

She passed it to Merida, Hiccup, and Rapunzel. Rapunzel raised her eyebrow at them and tried to give them back to Tooth

"Why do we need these?" She asked and Tooth just pushed them back to her chest.

"You'll see in a minute." She said and Rapunzel nodded. She took a weird look at the socks and shoes but put them on anyway.

"To Arendelle!" He yelled and threw the snow globe. They went through the portal and the temperature went from 90°F to about 20°F. Merida's teeth started chattering.

"Why is it so cold? Isn't it supposed to be Summer over here?" She asked. Elsa looked down at her hands and put it in fists.

"Is that Arendelle over there?" Hiccup asked, looking down. Merida looked down the side of the sleigh and widened her eyes. She slowly sat back down in her seat and stared forward, not making a sound.

"What's wrong Merida-?" Rapunzel said peeking down and looking down at Arendelle. She did the same thing as Merida--sitting up straight without saying a word.

"Is it really that bad?" Elsa quietly asked. Rapunzel and Merida nodded in unison. Elsa gasped and stood up. She looked down and leaned forward too much.

"Elsa sit down you're gonna-!" Tooth yelled, but Elsa already fell off of the sleigh. Tooth winced and closed one eye, not wanting to look. Elsa screamed.

"-fall." She finished. Hiccup looked at them with worry.

"We can't just stay here, we have to try and get Elsa!" He said. Jack snapped out of daydream and looked down. His eyes widened.

"Elsa!" He yelled and zoomed down to get her. The rest laughed and Merida and Hiccup looked at them confused.

"What's so funny? Why didn't we go and try to get Elsa?" Hiccup asked. Merida crossed her arms.

"We were waiting for Jack to get her!" Rapunzel laughed. Merida raised an eyebrow.

"She didn't actually fall off of the edge, did she?" She asked them and Rapunzel sheepishly smiled.

"I might've 'accidentally' pushed her off." She said adding quotation marks to the word accidentally. The rest laughed, and North landed the sleigh near the North Mountain--Hiccup and Toothless going next to them.

Jack came flying down next to them holding Elsa bridal style a few moments after they landed. He raised an eyebrow at them.

"So, tell me why Elsa fell out of the sleigh?" He asked them and Elsa looked up at him with a confused look.

"You can put me down now." She said and he blushed letting her down to her feet. She winced and held her calf. She pulled up her dress and saw a cut.

"Oh my gosh! Here, wait, let me do something." Rapunzel said and wrapped her hair around her calf. Elsa raised an eyebrow and tried to pull her leg back.

"You'll get blood in your hair-." She said, but Rapunzel cut her off and sang the song. After she was done singing it, she unwrapped her hair around her leg. Elsa stared at it with shock.

The wound was gone.

"Wow..." She said with disbelief. Rapunzel laughed and stood next to Tooth.

Tooth looked around and shivered.

"We have to find a place to stay. Can't we just go to Arendelle?" She asked turning to Elsa. She shook her head.

"You can't really go back to Arendelle without me, because I'm the queen and you know. But I can't go back." She said. Hiccup turned to her.

"Then where are we going to stay?" She said. Elsa looked around and saw a perfect place to build a castle.

"Wait here." She said to everybody and walked towards the abyss. She felt light singing, so she sang at a low tone.

She looked at it and tried to think of some way to get across.

"It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and breakthrough." She sand as she made a stairs out of ice. She stepped on it seeing if it was safe to walk across.

She smiled as she saw that her foot smoothened it out. She ran up across the steps continuing to build the stairs.

The rest stared in amazement. Elsa smiled and set her foot down, a giant snowflake made of ice was made.

"Here I stand, and here I stay." She sang out loud. She crouched down and spread her arms around in the air.

Merida whispered in Rapunzel's ear.

"Do you think she knows what she's doing?" She asked and Rapunzel shrugged.

"Let the storm rage on..." Elsa sang, raising her hands up. Icicles started coming up from the ground and into the sky.

The rests mouths were open wide as they watched, amazed. She was building a castle! Elsa spread her arms around and finished building the castle up and down.

"I'm never going back, the past is in the past." She sang, throwing away her crown and loosened her bun out, letting her messy braid out. She pushed back the small hairs and let her braid go on her left shoulder.

She raised her hands and her coronation dress started fading into a beautiful blue dress. It came with a cape and a little slit on the side.

She opened the doors and let spread her arms out. The fours eyes widened and their mouths were wide open. Especially Jack's.

Elsa waved at all of them and turned back, the flick of her wrist closing the door. Merida shook her head and gestured the rest to come.

"Well c'mon, now! Don't just stand there!" She said and walked up the stairs. The rest snapped out of their daze and followed Merida.


After Elsa showed them around the castle, they arrived a few metres away from Arendelle.

North shook his hand in front of his face and pointed to Arendelle.

"No time. Everyone go to kingdom." North said and started walking towards Arendelle. Hiccup stopped them.

"Wait! Won't it seem a bit creepy to see a talking kangaroo and a fairy?" He asked them and Bunny's eyes widened.

"Wait, what did you just call me?" Bunny asked. Jack snickered and nudged Bunny in his arm.

"Told you that you look more like a kangaroo." He said and Bunny frowned.

"I'll show you a kangaroo-." He said and went in a boxing position. Tooth went in the middle of them and separated them using her hands.

"You know, Hiccup's right. They would probably try and kill us." She said and Bunny glared at Jack before turning to Tooth.

"Then how are we going to fix that problem?" He asked and she pointed at the ground.

"Oh." He said and turned to the five. He smirked and tapped his foot twice.

The five looked down and saw a huge hole on the ground. North looked up and said something in Russian before all of them slid down.

North yelled and Rapunzel laughed at his face. They appeared inside of the castle with Hans standing just a few metres away.

Elsa gasped and silenced everyone.

"That's the guy Anna is--or was--engaged to!" Elsa yell-whispered and they hid in a closet.

But Hiccup being the clumsy boy he is accidentally tripped over a vase.

"Hiccup!" Rapunzel yell-whispered. He quickly hid in the closet just as Hans turned around.

"Shh!" Jack said to them. Hans stepped closer to the closet and looked at the broken vase. He picked it up and looked at the closet suspiciously. He held the knob of the closet.

"Please don't open the door, please don't open the door." Merida begged quietly.

The knob turned and the closet door opened.

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