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Hello lovely people of Wattpad, welcome to this fanfiction!

I will be writing various images and scenarios about whatever you guys want. 

Leave requests in the following format if you want an image:
Boy concerning: ______
Short description of content: ______ 

For a scenario you simply put something like: BTS when _____ or just what you wanna know. 

However there is one thing I won't be covering, namely depression/suicidal thoughts/anxiety (as mental illness).
I am okay with sad imagines but those are serious mental illnesses and as I myself am suffering from severe anxiety (to the point of being unable to leave my house, yes this is confirmed by a psychologist) for over five years,  I don't feel comfortable putting it into a romantic setting. 

Besides I don't feel as if it were respectful towards others suffering from it and I want this to be a fun romantic thing.

(Ps if you too are a fellow mentally fucked up person I am always open for conversations and virtual hugs ^^ fighting)

I hope you all will be okay with that.

Smut/lemmon doesn't bother me that much, so if you feel like it I would gladly turn it into a fifty shades of grey for you.


BTS Images and scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now