Scenario: where they first meet you

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Scenario: where they first meet you

Hyung line:


I feel like you'd meet Jin in a store which specializes in 'collectibles for adults'.

You were searching for a certain figure between shelves stacked with all type of merchandise. Previously your friends had left you alone as they didn't want to go to a toy store with you. Not wanting to let it show, you had agreed to meet them some time later, but in all honesty you were rather upset by it.

It was in your search when you spotted him going past the shelves with an intense gaze. A small pout was put on his delicate face, indicating that he wasn't particularly happy with the situation he had been put in.

Awkwardly you'd ask if he were alright, cautious to be intruding a stranger's personal space. 

Deeply sighing he would answer with that his friends think the Mario merchandise he collects are for little kids.

You would respond with a "my friends think this too, it's absolutely annoying", saying it a bit too enthusiastic as you finally had found someone to share your frustration with. Jin would find it extremely cute, and he, just like you, would be happy to finally have found someone who shares his passion as much as him. 

Consequentially this would lead to a long conversation about 'collectibles for adults', a phone number and a date.


You would meet Suga at a music store in your city (let's pretend you live in a city for a moment). Your friends and you would visit this store rather regularly, strolling through the aisles in the search of good music.

It had become a sort of regularity in your life, whenever school ended you would go to meet up with everyone.

One day you were bending over rows of CDs looking for a certain release of your favourite musician when you spotted a rather good looking guy standing opposite of you, searching in the HipHop section for a particular CD.

Your friends hadn't been able to join you today, yet you still had decided to go, not knowing what else you would do at home on except for being bored.

A frown on his face indicated that he wasn't making much progress and you, being here almost every single day, thought it would be nice to help him out.

"What are you looking for?" you'd ask, sending him a kind smile. Reluctantly Suga would let you help him and you quickly found it.

"It's good," you'd exclaim, "I have this album at home, it is one of my favourites."

Not believing that a girl like you would find HipHop all that interesting, he would stare at you for some time before firing all type of questions.
You couldn't get rid of him after that, not that you wanted to.


You would meet him in a bookstore.

Frustrated you would be looking for that perfect edition of a book that previously had been sitting on the shelf, when you spotted it in the hands of someone else.

Because you have wanted this certain edition for a while now and it always had been sold out, you approached the person, ready to put up a fight to get it. (Let's be honest no one is going to steal your book).

With an air of confidence that you pretty much lack half of the time, you tapped him on the shoulder, ready to yell whatever is needed to obtain what you've claimed to be yours.

Rapmonster would turn around, eyebrow raised in question. He had pressed his finger in between the pages to mark where he had left off.

For a slight moment you were taken aback by his features, unsure whether you should continue. You did.

"Excuse me, this might come off as completely rude, which I guess it is, but can I have the book you are holding. I have searched through many stores to find that exact edition and well that is the first one I have seen so far... Only if you don't mind it though."

You might have been completely and utterly red whilst stuttering the words out.

Rapmonster gave you a dimpled smile, handing the book over to you without argue. "Sure, how can I say no? Nevertheless once you finish it I want to borrow it."

The smooth motherfucker slipped you his phone number with a wink.


You would be in a practice room. You weren't the best dancer in the world and you wished to improve it by practicing hard. Knowing the owner of the building, you had gotten permission to use the room whenever you felt like.

Tonight you were staying in late, watching tutorial videos before trying to copy the moves. Currently you were working on one that was rather hard to do. No matter how often you tried, you didn't seem to get it right and with every passing minute you got more frustrated.

J-Hope had previously contacted the owner if he could use the practice room as well, as his dance solo was coming up rather soon and he wanted to perfect it a bit more.

Normally he would do it in the practice room back at BigHit but as Namjoon and Jin were getting some more tips from the choreographer before the concert, he decided to do it somewhere else.

When he heard the music he paused in the doorway, seeing you struggle with the difficult dance moves. He actually was rather impressed of you trying to do them.

Forgetting about his own performance he asked if he could help you, making you scream on top of your lungs as you didn't know he were there.

After getting over the initial shock you cautiously accepted his help.
Let's just say this became a regular thing.


I hope this was fun to read! Next up is the Maknae line, much excite. Lemme know what you think in the comments or by voting. Don't forget to leave requests!


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