Locklyle (or is it) part 1

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It was just the two of us. Me and Lockwood. Holly had a fever //I'm such a mean author// so she had to stay home and George went to go visit his granny for three days. I was sitting at the kitchen table, drawing (yes I admit it) mine and Lockwood's initials in a heart. I have no idea why I was drawing this. I mean, I totally just like him as a friend (sarcasm included). I was so busy drawing little details around it that i didn't notice when Lockwood came in and started making tea. 

"Hey Luce, what you up to?"

I let out a yelp and covered the page that I was drawing on. " Noooooooothing" I said, my voice going an octave higher.

He looked at me as if I had just passed gas. "Oooooooookaaaay..." I closed my journal. "Suuuuuree..." he came over with two cups of tea and sat down. He slid one over to me. I took it eagerly. "So... It's just you and me today, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so"

 Then he looked me straight in the eye. "So, Lucy, now that we're here, can I ask you a question?"

I smirked. "You just did."

"That's not what I meant." he chuckled. "Let's rephrase that. Lucy, I need to ask you a question."

"Sure. Spill it."

"Do you..."

"Do I what?"

"Do you want to..."

"Do I want to what?"

"...Practice rapier moves with me?"

That little git. He'll pay for that.

"What!?" i exclaimed. "Is that it? So much for getting my hopes up, Lockwood."

He chucked. "Is that so?" Then, he walked up to me. I was pretty sure that I was blushing like crazy when he came up to me. He leaned over and...

Patted me on the head.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     Author's note:

I'm sorry guys. I just had to end my first Lockwood & Co. fanfic like that. I just decided to be mean to myself and do that.  Not all of them would end that way though. I promise. 

The thing is, I won't be updating much because life is happening. Just expect one on Thursdays at like 5:00 or something like that because that I when I have time to actually do what I want. Well, that's all I have to say.

Onion-chan out!

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