If Holly Walked Through That Door

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We heard a gasp. Lockwood broke away from me to see Holly standing wide eyed in the doorway.
"Um..." I stammered. "You seem to be feeling better..." What motivated her to come to work when this morning she called in sick?
"L-lucy..." She managed to let out a sob before staggering out the door.
Lockwood and I looked at each other and shrugged. None of us knew what that was about. We raced after Holly and found her crying on the couch. Gee. I've never seen Holly lose her cool before.
It was Lockwood who spoke first.
"Holly, can you tell us what's wrong?"
The sobbing got worse.
"Hey, why don't you go in the kitchen and make a cup of tea for our sick friend. And do take your precious time," I said. I needed to get him out of the room if we're going to get any information out of her.
After Lockwood went into the kitchen, I sat down next to Holly and tried to get her to talk. "Hey, Holly, what wrong?"
"Why did you have to go around kissing that... That... Beast?! You deserve better than him!!!"
"Holly, you're not making any sense. What do you mean by all of that?"
"Ever since we met I've-" More sobs. "I've had a crush on you..."
Everything was starting to make sense now. No wonder that she was always looking for an excuse to go in my room and clean it up. She wanted to find any clue if I liked her back or not. Unfortunately, I don't keep a diary or journal or any of that sort.
"Aaawwwww Holly... You should've told me. Then I would not have been with him now. I'm sorry but it's too late now. I'm devoted to Lockwood." I hugged her. It was an awkward one but that seemed to do the trick. And the famous Anthony Lockwood chose that moment to come in with a plate of tea.
Then, the most random question came out of Lockwood's mouth.
"Hey," he said with a wide, goofy grin. "Wanna become a three-some?"
I know, I know.
But I thought you finished this book.
I though I did too. But then I came up with the crazy idea of making Holly walk into that doorway. I had asked my science teacher, who is in love with this series too, for suggestions. She listed a whole bunch of random possibilities. Then she suggested one that gave me an evil grin.
"Maybe Holly had a crush on Lucy"
It took me a while to come up with the actual details for this new chapter but it was worth it.
And so I thought, hey, since we're talking lgbt+, why not put in a three-some into this, with the most nastiest grin on my face.

~Mi Kasai Nakamrua~

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