Locklye (or is it) part 3

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All throughout lunch, neither of us said anything. It wasn't until all the dishes were put up in the sink when Lockwood asked, "So, are you ready to practice?"

"Sure yeah." To be honest, I was actually planning on watching this anime called 'Parasyte' but it was just so hard to say 'no' to Lockwood.

"We all know you like him," said the skull, which was conveniently positioned on the windowsill. "I betcha he's gonna say he likes you too. The way he-"

"Oh, shut it!" I exclaimed. Lockwood turned to look at me. "Not you, the skull. He's just babbling his useless jibberish."

Well, blast 20 seconds to the future, Lockwood was leading the way to the basement where we practiced our rapier moves. He opened the door for me. "Ladies first," he said.

I was only a few steps away from the stairs when all of a sudden, Lockwood grabbed me and slammed me into the wall, pinning me there.

"L-Lockwood?" I stuttered.

There was a hint of mischief in his eyes.

"W-what the bloody hell are you doing?"

"So, it's been over two years, hasn't it?" He asked, leaning in.

I said nothing.

He leaned even closer now, our faces now a centimeter apart. Then he kissed me. His lips were // blah blah blah I'm not going into the details cuz I'm too lazy//. And I found myself kissing back.

We heard a gasp. Lockwood broke away from me to see George standing wide eyed in the doorway.

"Um... George..." He stuttered. "Um... You're home early."

All of a sudden, George started fanboying. "OMG!!!!! ISHIPITISHIPITISHIPIT!!!! OMG!!!! OTPOTPOTPOTPOTP!!!!" And ran out the basement.

We followed after him.

We followed hm to find that he went into the kitchen. When we entered, we found a smiling George and a HUGE strawberry cake //I will love you forever if you know where that came from// sitting on the table.


Author's note:

I'm finally done with this book! But don't worry, I'll be writing more fanfics late on. I've got a good idea started. But if any of you fabulous readers of mine have any ideas for me, feel free to comment below. The ideas don't necessarily be for this specific fandom. It could be anything. Welp, I'm out.

-Onion-chan ❤️

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