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S C O R P I O   :   N O V E M B E R   1 8

A scorpion is known to be deadly and quite terrifying. With pincers capable of guaranteeing a painful pinch and a venomous barbed tail promising a slow, agonizing death.

I was named after my Zodiac, Scorpio, the constellation of the scorpion.

I, however, find it quite irritating when someone approaches me waving around their phone / device to show me a horoscope. I don't really like those things, yet everyone claims that I act just as a Scorpio should. 

I have a somewhat flamboyant personality and never hesitate to let someone know what I'm thinking or what my opinion is on something. I never give up on anything, even if it's a lost cause. Most of the time I find it hard to admit that I was wrong, but hey, nobody's perfect.

I'm a friendly, sociable kind of guy, if you know what I mean. Large crowds don't necessarily faze me and I'm always ready to help out. At least, that's what everyone else tells me. 

Out of all the other Zodiacs I know, I'm the most well-known and most liked. (Once again, that's what everyone tells me. I'm not that egotistical.

I don't have much of story like the others, but I guess mine is where it begins theirs. 

- - - 

"Scorpio? Scorpio. Scorpio! Lorae de! Gods, wake up Scorpio." 

Being awakened by an annoyed demon is not exactly the best way to start off in the morning, but I guess it's mainly my fault for sleeping in when I shouldn't have.

"I'm up, I'm up... Leave me alone, Leo." I mumbled, sitting up and rubbed my eyes to draw away the haziness fogging my line of vision. 

Leo stood over me, his amber brown eyes narrowed into a glare as he eyed me.

Out of all the Zodiacs I knew, he was the bossiest and most demanding. He usually made up for it with his humor and optimistic attitude, but at the moment, all he was doing was irritating me. And I'll admit that I'm at least easily annoyed, especially when it comes to Leo. 

"It's 5 in the afternoon, Scorpio, what the hell are you doing still asleep? Everyone's assuming that you're dead or something." He sighed, his whip-like golden tail lashing back and forth behind him.

Momentarily distracted by it, it took me a minute to process what he said. "Wait... 5? In the afternoon?" I huffed and stood up, stumbling to the side for a moment before Leo managed to help me stand up straight.

"Yes. 5. In the afternoon." Leo repeated slowly, as if he were speaking to a small, ignorant child. He might as well have been, because it was me he was talking to. 

I'm not saying that I'm ignorant, just... Unaware and easily distracted. 

"Dude, why didn't you wake me up then?" I growled, rolling my eyes as I walked into my bathroom to brush my teeth - My breath was killing me -  and to splash my face with cold water. 

Despite my long "nap," I was still somehow tired. 

Leo continued glaring at me from the doorway as he watched me brush my teeth, his cat-like pupils narrowed to slits. 

Sometimes if I'm ever fortunate enough to catch him inside of the base at night, I'd see his eyes blazing a golden glow in the dark with his pupils dilated. It was a scary sight, yet it was cool at the same time. Kind of like the feeling of being chased by a dragon. You're like, lorae de, it's a muthafucking dragon. That's so cool! But then you're like, I'm probably going to die if I don't stop admiring it and don't continue running. Know what I mean? 

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