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S A G I T T A R I U S : D E C E M B E R  2 1

Just to make everything clear, I hate you.

Do I care if you're offended with that statement? No. Do I care if you don't like me? Hahaha, hell no. Do I want you to stay here and read my thoughts? Most definitely not.

I am Sagittarius, the archer. And soon, I'll send an arrow flying towards your head for being in mine.

- - - 

"Fuck me, Daddy!"

I fucking swear, if I'm forced to hear that phrase one more time coming from Taurus I will literally walk into that room and disembowel them for even daring to speak while I'm having my daily routine of plotting their slaughter.

"Deathyyyyy!" Aquarius' voice called from my door, the sound of her knocking impatiently already making me even more agitated. 

I groaned and walked over towards the door, swinging it open and fixed her with a deadly glare. "What?" I hissed, venom lacing my voice.

"We're having breakfast downstairs, lets go." She sighed, grabbing me by the arm and dragged me with her as she walked. She clearly wasn't fazed by my bad attitude. Not that she ever has been.

By now, I had figured out that I wasn't going to be given a choice on whether I would be eating with them or not.

I huffed in irritation as Aquarius forced me to sit down, taking a seat next to me and slid a plate of eggs towards me. 

I glared at her, brow raised. "Really?"

"Really." She confirmed before stealing a piece of bacon from Scorpio and smirked at his expression of dismay.

"Hello, everyone!" Ryder shouted cheerfully as he entered the room, shirtless as ever. He seemed repulsively optimistic today. "Damn, the food smells eggsquisite." He said, laughing at his own pun.

I think I was starting to hate him even more.

"Hey, anyone wanna foursome?" He asked, glancing around the room as he grabbed a plate and loaded it with croissants, eggs, bacon, donuts, and waffles. How he managed to stay fit when he ate that much, I don't know.

"Have fun jerking off by yourself." Capricorn scoffed, rolling her eyes.

"Aww, Corn, you're bacon my heart..." Ryder sighed sadly, wiping a fake tear off of his cheek.

"I have never hated you more." Virgo said from his seat beside Cancer, who was staring at Ryder with a disgusted look on her face. 

I bet I hate him more than you do...

"Kings, your puns are as stupid as you. Please stop." I growled.

"I donut care about your opinion." Ryder replied, sticking his tongue out at me childishly. 

"I bet the gods regret not killing you." Aquarius scoffed, throwing a donut at his head. He dodged quickly before sticking his tongue out at her as well.

"I'm too good looking to die!" He exclaimed with a smirk. 

"I see that you're enjoying yourself..." Ash growled as he entered the room with Zerekye and two other younger men following him close behind. 

I may not know them personally, but I can at least recognize EbonyFlame's royal family.

Nobody replied to the king as we all stared at him, a large mix of reactions evident on our faces. 

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