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I wriggled the now sparkly midnight blue painted toes of my left foot as the lady moved onto my right foot making me smile slightly in the chair at the salon Casey had dragged me to. It had been about a week since the dinner with my parents and Casey had rang me today and claimed that we needed to hang out more so here I was.

"So, how's the husband?" Casey quipped from beside me with a mischievous smirk and a sly wink making me roll my eyes as I glanced down to my toes again.

"He's fine, probably at the gym." I mumbled making her hum in response.

"How was dinner with your parents?" She asked as she held up her now dried red toes, assessing them critically.

A soft smile broke out across my lips as I thought about it.

"It was actually really good. I think Harry likes my parents although he would never admit it," I giggled making her smile at me.

"Good. All jokes aside, I really hope it all works out for you both, I just want you to be happy." She said in one of her rare moments of seriousness making me smile at her fondly. I had the best, best friend.

"Thanks, Case. I hope it all works out too." I sighed with a nervous smile. Her eyes twinkled as she leant forward in anticipation.

"Do you like him though?" She said whilst wiggling her brows suggestively making me burst into laughter at her ridiculous expression as I shoved her face away from mine. "Come on, tell me. Does Clover have a crush?" She giggled making my cheeks burn as I glared at her. "I mean, I don't blame you if you do, have you seen those biceps? They're bigger than you're head!" She sighed exaggerating the size of Harry's biceps making me roll my eyes as I giggled.

"Of course I don't have a crush. . I mean. .No!" I stuttered with blushing cheeks, not really knowing why I stuttered considering I didn't have a crush on Harry, did I? I mean, yes, he was attractive.

Really attractive.

And whenever he showed signs of improvement in attitude or when he seemed to open up towards me the littlest bit I would feel encased in excited warmth. I couldn't deny the butterflies I got whenever he was near, however I didn't think that qualified as a crush did it. .?

Maybe a tiny weeny crush.

I felt my heart flutter as my mind wandered to Harry and I felt almost excited to see him later on at home.

So maybe, I did have a crush.

"You so do." Casey proclaimed triumphantly making my ears burn with embarrassment as the lady finished my other foot. We waited around for our feet to dry before paying and heading out however we were stopped as soon as we stepped out onto the street by my phone ringing.

Unknown Number.

"Who is it?" Casey asked as she leant forward to look at my screen making me shrug my shoulders in confusion as I thought about all the typical horror movies where the protagonist gets a unknown phone call, answers it, gets threatened by someone creepy with a even creepier threat such as the classic, I'm watching you, and then dies a horrific death.

Shaking my head at my slightly wild imagination I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked cautiously wondering who it could possibly be.

"Hey, yeah, is that Clover?" A familiar voice questioned slightly out of breath.

"Locke? Is that you?" I asked feeling even more confused as to why he was calling me and how he even got my number. Casey listened to the conversation carefully from beside me making animated confused faces and exclamations.

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