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Soo haha long time no see 😶

GUYS okay so, this book now is no longer being written by me, @maysprings_ is actually finishing this off now! So please send her all the love for continuing Harry and Clovers story!! I'm so excited to be able to give you updates so thank you so much maysprings_

Let her know what you think! I hope you will support her as much as you have me these last few years. I've missed you all x

Waking up in the morning, with a heavy hand rubbing my back was probably the nicest way to wake up, period. My little moan was buried into the pillow I had my face squished against as the hand continued its gentle rubbing.

I felt hair tickling my ear as warm breath washed over it.
"Morning, beautiful. Plan on showing me your face anytime soon?" Harry's playful voice teased as his fingers tickled my sides, lightly making me squirm and a giggle left my lips from his words and actions. I rolled over with a groan, my muscles protesting the movement.

"Morning," I mumbled sleepily as I blinked up at Harry's handsome face. He looked so... happy, it took my breath away for a second. He smiled at me, gently leaning down to press a kiss to my forehead. He laid down beside me, moving me so I rested on his chest instead of the pillow.
"How are you feeling?" He asked as he stroked my hair gently, his voice concerned. My heart skipped a beat at the memories of last night.

"Sore, but okay." I hummed tracing the tattoos lining his muscular chest. The area between my legs was definitely sore, as were my muscles, but I felt good inside. Happy. "Um, was it- was it okay?" I asked, blinking up at him from beneath my lashes. His face softened as he smiled at me.

"It was the best," He rumbled, his voice husky.

I grinned shyly, burrowing my nose into his chest some more. His large hands ran through my knotted hair gently, making my eyes flutter with relaxation. I could literally stay here forever.

"Baby," His morning voice starts, I could listen to his morning voice for hours. I could listen to him for hours.  "Locke and Tanner are coming over later, we're going for lunch."

"Ohhh! That sounds fun!" My lips turn up in a smile. He hums in response and continues to play with the ends of my hair, twirling it around his fingers. "When are we going?"

"Around two was the plan." He states. I reach for my phone to check the time and squeal.

"Harry!" My voice lets out as I immediately sit up in the bed, careful to keep my injured leg still. He just keeps his eyes closed, the ends of his lips turning up a bit as he tries to suppress a grin. "It's nearly one thirty!"

In attempts to pull me back down, Harry accidentally brushes against my bandage roughly and I flinch as a reflex. Harry gets up to sit beside me immediately, eyes filled with concern as he lovingly strokes the area gently.
"I'm sorry." He looks at my leg and I tell him it's okay before dismissing the subject. It wasn't a big deal, and the pain only lasted, like, half a second. He has literally nothing to be sorry for.

"We need to get ready," I say matter-of-factly and swing my legs over the edge of the bed gently. I try to stand up and immediately hiss in pain before collapsing back on the bed. I lay on my back and looked at Harry with a huff to blow hair out of my face.

"I'm gonna need some help." I say and Harry's lips twitch up in amusement.

"I wore you out didn't I." he teases and I blush before he gets up from his place on the bed and hooks his arms underneath me, one under my knees and another under my back.
I squeal before wrapping my arms around his neck and snuggling into him, sighing in content. He walks me over to the en-suite and places me down onto the counter. I then grab my toothbrush and fill it with paste, passing it over to Harry so he can follow suit.

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