The close ending of a day

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(Jason's POV)

As Dick was talking to me, his stupid ass phone just had to go buzzing like some dumb alarm reminding him of something. I saw him hold a finger between us, pausing our conversation to check his phone; I looked at his facial expressions and saw how quickly he went to smile looking at his phone. I could already tell who was calling him off of his smile alone, none other than Wally.

Which, of course, that idiot just had to call when Dick and I were finally about to talk. In my head, I could already tell that that boy was just going to hurt Dick in the long run; I can practically feel his toxic personality through the phone. I just don't want Dick to get hurt; he means too much to me.

He was one of the very first to be nice to me after I got taken into the manor. Hell, Dick was the only one who could find me in my hours of hiding during hide-n-seek, where I purposely hid to where no one could get me. Yet he always did, and he always took me back to the manor and made sure that everything was alright for me. Why can't I go back then, where it was only me and him, no Bruce, no Tim, no Damian, and definitely no Wally.

Just as I finished remembering that old memory, I can already tell that Dick chose Wally over me and this conversation. Before Dick can even get a word out, I quickly run into my room and slam my door shut. I lean up against my door, sliding down onto the ground, waiting to see if he'll knock on my door and apologize for picking him over me, but he doesn't, and he never will.

What does he even see in him, but not me?

Is it because I'm like his little brother?

That's not fair!

I should have a fair chance!

Damn, I'm getting mad about some random boy; that I don't even know about? Dick probably doesn't know anything about him for all he knows, Wally can be like a creep, and I mean like an old man, who pretends to be a teenage kind of creep.

Well, who cares because I know that I don't... Or at least I'll keep telling myself that.

I let out a long guttural groan as I decided to get up and check up on whatever the fuck Tim was doing. Most likely, Tim would be helping around the house by doing some chores since Alfred went away to visit some relatives of his, I think. I slowly get back on my feet and open my door to make my slow descent down the stairs and into the kitchen. Looking up to see who's cooking, I see not only Tim but also Dick. As for dinner itself, I couldn't see exactly, what they were cooking, but it looked like steak or ribs.

Well, at least that's better than when I tried to cook. I have almost burned the food and the house. So ever since that day, I am declared to never cook in this house again. At least it adds to my reputation as our family bad boy and non-cooker, but hey, at least I can roast stuff. So in case of a barbecue, I think I'll be their man.

But that's off task, so let's get back on the topic at hand. So when I finally got out of my head and looked back to see the rest of their progress, I noticed that it was basically all done. It was shocking that I was in my head for that long. Or maybe they were just close to finishing before I got lost in my thoughts.

(Tim's Pov)

As Richard and I were cooking, I could feel chills down my spine because of Jason watching us cook, but who cares really. Oh! Let me see here, I care! First, because I feel like I have to prove something to him. He is also like my role model in the family, someone I can't help but look up to. I know it's not the best to have your role model be a punk cliche, but he is just so cool!

Like at school, he has both girls and boys falling to their knees for him, and the same goes for Richard. While for me, it's like I'm the ugly duckling who people tend to forget about.

Yay me...

Well, at least it's better than Damian, better known as the Demon Child, who always knows how to push my buttons. 'Well, who cares?' I decided to stop my pity party in my head. I left the stove to grab some plates for our family to eat, but of course, Richard already beat me to it and served food on them, which I swear he has some freaky 'superpowers.' Well, at least I could probably make sure everyone is coming to eat. I carefully jogged upstairs to Bruce's room to let him know that dinner was finished, so I gently knocked three times. On the third knock, he opened the door to see what I wanted.

As I stood in front of Bruce's room, I asked. "Bruce, the food is ready to please come down when you feel as if you are hungry. Also, I am sorry for interrupting your packing."

After that, I walked to the door and exited from his room, back down to the kitchen. Hoping that Richard got everything prepared for everyone and not just for the four of us. He always remembers about his brothers, but not about Bruce, so it's rare for Richard to lay out a plate for Bruce. It most likely has to do with the fact that they argue a lot, which leaves Bruce in the dog house in Richard's heart, even if it's only for a little bit.

When I got down the stairs and walked into the kitchen, I saw...

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