Broken Heart

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Disclaimer: I don't own Diabolik Lovers.

Warning: Kanato Sakamaki/Male Reader.

Summary: The two remaining vampiric pureblood families, Sakamaki and (L/N), wed for dominion and dominance. Can (M/N) grow to love Kanato? Or will Kanato sabotage (M/N) as (M/N) suspects?

Chapter One 

The Sakamaki and (L/N) family were to wed.

If the Sakamaki and (L/N) family weren't the two remaining vampiric pureblood households, then the Sakamaki and (L/N) family would still be at odds with each other. The Sakamaki and (L/N) family disagreed with each other's political stance. The (L/N) clan thought that the Sakamaki family was cruel to half-bloods and humans. The Sakamaki clan thought that the (L/N) family were too sympathetic of half-bloods and humans. "Father, I'm begging you!" (M/N) sobbed, (E/C) eyes tearing, teardrops dripping down (M/N)'s cheeks. "I don't love Kanato Sakamaki. I don't even know him. Please, I'm your only child. Father, I'm your only heir ..."

The elderly (L/N) could care less about (M/N)'s feelings, so (M/N) was dragged, brought forth to the altar as the priest pronounced (M/N) (L/N) and Kanato Sakamaki a lawfully wedded couple. The guests clapped, cheered but mostly the Sakamaki family who considerably outnumbered the (L/N) clan. It was the Sakamaki family as well who proposed that they set aside differences to become one. It seemed suspicious to (M/N) yet the elderly (L/N) agreed to the Sakamaki family's proposal. "I take you, (M/N) (L/N), to be mine, to join with you and share all that is to come. And I promise to be faithful to you until death parts us," Kanato recited, holding (M/N)'s hand, then offering (M/N) a gold diamond embedded ring. "It shall never part us, not ever."

A horse-drawn carriage was awaiting Kanato and (M/N) (L/N) Sakamaki, to take its newly wedded couple home, or (M/N) to his new home at the Sakamaki mansion. The faces of family and friends faded as dread, disquiet overcame (M/N). The carriage lurched, launching (M/N) forward and as well as into Kanato's arms. The young Sakamaki vampire caught (M/N), maintaining his hold on (M/N) even as the carriage rode across rocky terrains. The (L/N) vampire was straddling, seated on Kanato's lap as the young Sakamaki vampire mischievously grinned. "U-Unhand me," (M/N) squeaked, his (E/C) eyes piercing Kanato's alluring amethyst ones, and yet also Kanato's eerily uncanny gaze. "This is inappropriate."

The Sakamaki mansion was coming to light, looming in the distance as the carriage trudged through the forest, and across a rough cobblestone road. The young Sakamaki vampire clutched (M/N), cuddling the reluctant and restrained (L/N) vampire. A pair of cold, cool lips caressed (M/N)'s neck with untoward butterfly kisses. A moment of utter untimely, unrequited desire and disgust was (M/N)'s undoing. "We're a family now. You're my playmate," Kanato giggled, connecting his forehead to (M/N)'s, but (M/N) backed away to look elsewhere than at Kanato. "(M/N), I really, really like you. If you'll allow me, I promise I'll treat you nicely."

A/N: What do you think? Leave me your thoughts

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