Broken Desires

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Warning: Kanato Sakamaki/Male Reader.

Chapter Two

Even though he was behaving more calmly and collectively now, (M/N) was bubbling with fury and rage on the inside, because his entire life had came crumbling and crashing down right before him in just mere moments. However, (M/N) was more furious with his father, because the elderly (L/N) had without a single thought gave him away. At the same time, (M/N) did not want to be angry with his own parents, because he did not want to hate the people who loved and cherished him since birth, but he did not have anyone else to direct his wrath towards. Then again, (M/N) also believed his outrage was somewhat valid, because his parents did throw him at the mercy of the Sakamaki family, but the guilt for disliking his own parents felt more worse than anger. "Hey, (M/N)! Welcome to your new home!" Kanato cheerfully said, while (M/N) sighed and peered up at the looming mansion with a forlorn expression, as the amethyst eyed vampire giggled and stepped out of the limo. "Come on, (M/N)! I want to show you around!"

The architecture was extremely similar to that of his own mansion. However, (M/N) could feel that the atmosphere was very different, because there was a feeling of dread and foreboding surrounding the Sakamaki estate. Even so, (M/N) stepped out and exited the vehicle, because the lavender haired vampire was becoming quiet impatient with him. "I'll let you meet my brothers soon enough. First, I want to show you our bedroom. It's this way. Come on, darling." Kanato said, while (M/N) annoyedly grumbled upon having his wrist tightly grasped, as the lilac eyed vampire pulled him inside and up the grand staircase. "I had the servants bring your things up and put them away. So, I could cuddle you all night and not have any excuses tossed at me. You look scared. What's wrong, sweetheart?"

Even though the violet haired vampire was inching closer to him, (M/N) had backed away into the bathroom and took a hold of the doorknob. "You will come around and like me. Won't you, (M/N)?" Kanato asked, while (M/N) frowned and slammed the door shut, as the amethyst eyed vampire pouted and leaned against the door with his back. "(M/N), I really like you. I even promised that I would never be mean to you. If you'll come out, I'll pinky swear that I won't ever be mean. Don't you believe me? Why won't you trust me?"  

A/N: Who's really being the mean one: Kanato or (M/N)? Haha! Anyway, what do you think? I hope that you liked it

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A/N: Who's really being the mean one: Kanato or (M/N)? Haha! Anyway, what do you think? I hope that you liked it.

My Favorite Dolly! (Kanato Sakamaki/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now