Broken Strength

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Warning: Kanato Sakamaki/Male Reader.

Chapter Five

At this point, (M/N) was quite accustomed to being dragged along for little nighttime strolls through the rose gardens and woods. However, (M/N) could not get used to holding hands with the violet haired vampire. Even so, (M/N) did not struggle against the vice-like fingers woven around his own slender ones, because (M/N) was simply exhausted of fighting back and only having the lilac eyed vampire cling tighter onto him. "(M/N), I find you prettier than any flower in the world," Kanato said, while (M/N) huffed and crossed his arms together, as the purple haired vampire brushed a red rose against (M/N)'s doll-like cheek. "Hey, (M/N), I think you make the flowers look prettier. Do you want to know why? You're just so gorgeous!"

Even though he was slightly irritated and annoyed, (M/N) could not help the heat rising in his face. In fact, (M/N) had noticed that he's been blushing a lot lately around the amethyst eyed vampire. However, (M/N) was disturbed by that reality and quickly covered his cheeks in horror. "(M/N), I want to be close to you. Can we please be close?" Kanato asked, while (M/N) gasped and took a few steps back, as the violet haired vampire pushed him against a tree trunk and began kissing his neck. "Your difficulty is really tugging at my patience. Why don't you just realize your place? You're my bride and nothing will change that. You should start liking me now or you'll live life in misery!"

All things considered, (M/N) was not going to surrender his dignity and love Kanato Sakamaki. With that in mind, (M/N) placed his hands upon Kanato's chest and shoved him away. However, (M/N) was immediately pulled back and locked inside Kanato's embrace. "I thought I had told you already. You're a terrible escape artist. (M/N), I don't believe that you really want to run from me. I think that you just want to be chased by me," Kanato said, while (M/N) resisted the urge to slap him across the face, as (M/N) noticed something with gold eyes hiding among the shadows of trees and bushes. With a frightened whimper, (M/N) placed his hand upon Kanato's and pointed towards the growling creature. "Werewolves!"

Without delay, (M/N) was being pulled into the other direction. However, (M/N) could tell Kanato was not satisfied. "We'll never survive this way!" Kanato said, while (M/N) was picked up bridal style, as the lavender haired vampire began running in vampiric speed. In due time, (M/N) was standing at the edge of a cliff. Instantly, (M/N) reached out and grasped Kanato's hand. "Sweetheart, I need you to stop crying and listen to me! We don't have much time before those mutts catch up to us. This waterfall leads back home. You're going to jump and warn my brothers. Don't worry about me, I fought them before. Understand, (M/N)?"

Of course, (M/N) instantly tried protesting against the idea. However, (M/N) was immediately shut up with a kiss. Even though the kiss was quick and rushed, (M/N) was still becoming weak in the knees and wobbly. "I love you, (M/N)!" Kanato said, while handing (M/N) Teddy and pushing him off of the cliff, as the lilac eyed vampire turned around to face the werewolves. "You annoying, mangy beasts." 

A/N: By the way, (M/N) is a pure-blood vampire

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A/N: By the way, (M/N) is a pure-blood vampire. So, (M/N) will survive the fall down the waterfall. What do you think, though?

My Favorite Dolly! (Kanato Sakamaki/Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now