chapter 5 A new ally

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Jordan read about the artefacts making sure he was able to learn how to use them before he tries to find them. Weeks later he set out to help those who had seen were in trouble using everything he had learned. Jordan went out and saw a group of people being hunted down by a vampire. Jordan slowly made his way over to the vampires 

"hello fella's how would you like to die"

 Jordan asked as his pulled his scythe out and quickly chopped off the head of the vampire in front of him, the other two quickly went in to attack him but Jordan shifted his body and within seconds he evaded each attack that the vampires blew, when within an instant the vampire finally got the upper hand a girl ran past being chased by four vampires and a monster. Jordan saw that she needed help and it distracted him he fell over and nearly got killed but managed to use his powers and hold all of the vampires off of him, so he could make his way away as he turned around the hold of the vampires was thrown off and they were free to attack him, they jumped after him trying to tackle him to the floor but Jordan sent a wave of darkness streams at them which send them halfway across the Jordan started to run faster to catch up to the girl being pursued by the vampires, Jordan jumped up in the air and darted himself towards the monster, he grabbed the monsters claw snapped it back, and used it to stab the monster in the chest as it was falling Jordan spun his scythe and made sure the head was detached before jumping off it onto the vampires, as Jordan jumped from vampire to vampire, he cut off the heads of each one he landed on, the last vampire saw Jordan coming and ducked turned around quickly and transformed into a mist of fog and vanished from site. Jordan landed next to the girl 

"excuse me, are you okay"

 he asked, she nodded slowly as Jordan helped her up she said 

hey "I'm, Ivy, thank you for helping me they have been chasing me for ages now" 

Ivy said, she smiled and started to talk about what had happened in recent months

 "you see it all started a few months ago, the city began to crumble from attacks from unknown entity's, it was soon realised that each of these attacks were by malevolent beings, I studied them and how to stop them, it turned out that when I tried I was hunted down by the vampires that liked how the city is now, However they are constantly being hunted by demons who are trying to change it back as the vampires are doing too much damage and not allowing the demons to cause the chaos they want. I Finally found a way to kill the vampires but the demons are troubling they have been chasing me nonstop and I don't know what to do if they catch up to me they will be able to kill me as quick as 1,2 ,3 "

 Ivy stopped she noticed the dagger that Jordan was carrying around his neck, she walked up to him grabbed the dagger and studied it, she looked relieved 

" that weapon is powerful, from what I have read that is one of six ancient daggers that were created that should be able to kill any evil or good being be them monster, demon, angel or a god, each one of these blades were meant to have something banded to them that would make the owner stronger in a way, it is said that one of them was bonded with something evil that would weaken the person who owned it and eventually kill them, it was told that they were all destroyed except three which have been hidden away for centuries". 

Jordan looked at his dagger he knew it was special but he had no idea all of that he thought about it and realised that it made sense, Jordan told Ivy about the ancient creature that had been hunting him and the Stones he had found in the ruins, Ivy looked surprised but showed Jordan a stone which matched one that went together with the others " I have had it since I was very young it belonged to my mother, she said that it will one day be a key to great power, and it needs to be protected at any cost",

 Ivy gave the stone to Jordan allowing him to connect it to the other, it all pulled together like two magnets forcing the pieces to connect, a massive blast of colour arose from the stones but did nothing other than that, Jordan's eye glowed lighting up the multiple colours, Ivy jumped back scared out what happened, Jordan took his dagger and cut his hand to let his blood drip onto the stones , the stones glowed hard and began to shimmer and explode, they talked to Jordan with whispers and let him though that something was missing he had all he need except a vital piece the key to opening the ancient secrets was buried deep underneath the earth back where the ancient ruins are, Jordan eye settled turning back to normal again, He turned and looked at Ivy

 " I hope that didn't scare you, it's happening a lot recently, it started months ago when an odd creature broke into my house and tried to kill me however it failed and it got destroyed, it awoken this power within me, it was hard to control at first but I learnt, I went to a place that was save after I accidently killed a few people, anyway I know how to control it now, so you have nothing to worry about, anyway we need to go back to that place there was something I missed the key to using the stones is there, will you help me, I can train you in fighting skills and teach you a couple of spells you should be able to pull off, we will need to be careful though because of the ancient element creature that is hunting me it will be there and I have no doubt it will try and kill us if we go near the key". 

Ivy considered it for a moment and then nodded

 "yes I will be honoured, I will be able to help you with what I have found out about all this stuff, I recently found a book that had everything about ancient artefacts in it," Jordan smiled and replied with "

 great that will be extremely useful maybe you will be able to help me find a way to destroy the damn thing" 

Jordan and ivy collected all of their weapons they could find and then went out the door to outside, they walked down the road as Jordan slashed every monsters head that walked past them

 " take my hand so I can take you with me " 

Jordan said as he was starting to disappear, Ivy grabbed on and she started to disappear with Jordan, she was feeling a bit so she closed her eyes, when she opened them again she was standing next to Jordan on the Islanded filled with ruins all over and heaps of room to practice fighting, Jordan looked at Ivy and asked 

"tell me when you're ready, but first we should get some sleep, training may be tough" 

Ivy agreed and went to sleep, Jordan walked over the tip of the mountain looking over the ocean washing each wave hit the shore each one a different size with different noises, Jordan listened carefully to each unique sound and studied each one, Jordan closed his eyes thinking back to last year at this time when he was just ordinary and would never have imagined that any of this would be possible, Jordan watched one last wave hit the shore and turned away and went to sleep, Jordan opened his eyes and he was saw the man appear to him again 

" you may have a new ally Jordan but remember what the future could turn out like, just be careful with what you do, also concentrate more you need to make it so the element can't attack you in here if it does you will be constantly bombarded with pain, nightmares and dread" 

Jordan nodded he knew the man was right but he knew he wouldn't be able to fully be able to control this or learn until the stones were you knighted, he walked away when he suddenly got a splitting headache and a strong and dark voice from inside his head screamed 

" Kill the girl, destroy the watch and control the world, kill them all" 

Jordan fell down in excruciating pain, the red in his eye started to glow a bit and then he woke up. Ivy was standing over him 

" are you okay Jordan" she asked, 

"I will be Jordan responded let us begin shall we" 

Ivy nodded.

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